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- Adopted Neighbourhood Plans
- Wallington Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2031 Submission Version June 2023
- Representation search for Wallington Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2031 Submission Version June 2023
- 1 About Wallington
- 2 About this neighbourhood plan
- 3 vision and objectives
- 4 Spatial strategy
- 5 Housing
- 6 Design, character and Heritage
- Representations made against POLICY W5: HERITAGE ASSETS IN WALLINGTON
- Representations made against POLICY W6: DESIGN TO MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE
- Representations made against POLICY W7: LOCALLY SIGNIFICANT VIEWS
- 7 Countryside and green space
- 8 Rural economy
- 9 Implementation and plan review
- 10 Infrastructure improvements and provision
- 11 NON-POLICY actions
- 12 Policies maps
- 13 Glossary
- 14 List of evidence documents
- Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023
- Representation search for Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023
- Foreword
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Strategic Policy Context
- 3. Parish Description
- 4. Consultation
- 5. Vision and Aims
- 6. Sustainable Development Principles
- 7. Environment
- 8. Historic Environment
- 9. Sustainable Development
- 10. Community
- 11. Movement, Traffic and Transport
- 12. Aspirations, Implementation and Monitoring
- 13. Annexes
- Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031
- Representation search for Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Knebworth Parish
- 3 Vision and Objectives
- 4 Policies – Development Strategy
- 5 Policies - Local Economy
- Representations made against 5.1 Introduction
- Representations made against 5.2 Policy KBLE1 New Businesses
- Representations made against 5.3 Policy KBLE2 Rural businesses
- Representations made against 5.4 Policy KBLE3 Village Centre and Existing Businesses
- Representations made against 5.5 Policy KBLE4 Community Businesses
- Representations made against 5.6 Policy KBLE5 Home Working
- Representations made against 5.7 Policy KBLE6 Telecommunications
- 6 Policies - Built Environment
- Representations made against 6.1 Introduction
- Representations made against 6.2 Policy KBBE1 Housing Mix
- Representations made against 6.3 Policy KBBE2 Sustainable buildings
- Representations made against 6.4 Policy KBBE3 Accessibility and adaptability
- Representations made against 6.5 Policy KBBE4 Design
- Representations made against 6.6 Policy KBBE5 Masterplanning and Placemaking
- Representations made against 6.7 Policy KBBE6 Site KB1 Land at Deards End
- Representations made against 6.8 Policy KBBE7 Site KB2 Land off Gipsy Lane
- Representations made against 6.9 Policy KBBE8 Site KB4 Land east of Knebworth
- 7 Policies - Wellbeing
- 8 Policies -Schools
- 9 Policies - Environment and Flooding
- Representations made against 9.3 Policy KBEF2 Environmental Pollution
- Representations made against 9.4 Policy KBEF3 Energy conservation
- Representations made against 9.5 Policy KBEF4 Flooding and Drainage
- Representations made against 9.6 Policy KBEF5 Important Views and Character Areas
- Representations made against 9.7 Heritage Assets
- 10 Policies - Traffic, Transport and Parking
- Representations made against 10.1 Introduction
- Representations made against 10.2 Policy KBT1 Sustainable Modes of Travel
- Representations made against 10.3 Policy KBT2 Traffic Impact
- Representations made against 10.4 Policy KBT3 On Street Parking
- Representations made against 10.5 Policy KBT4 'High Street' (London Road) Traffic Issues
- Representations made against 10.6 Policy KBT5 Bus Routes
- 11 Policies – Implementation
- Appendix A Policies Map
- Appendix B Objectives Mapped to Policies
- Appendix C Community Facilities and Services
- Appendix D Local Green Space Assessment
- Appendix E Action Plan
- Appendix F Abbreviations and Glossary
- Appendix G Acknowledgements
- Appendix H Wildlife Sites
- Appendix I Flora and Fauna and Examples of SuDS
- Appendix J Surface Water Flood Risk Maps
- Appendix K AECOM Design Guidelines
- Appendix L Bibliography
- Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Submission
- Representation search for Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Submission
- Executive summary
- 1 Purpose of The Neighbourhood Plan
- 2 Local context
- 3 Vision and objectives
- 4 Spatial strategy
- 5 Housing
- 6 Design and heritage
- 7 Natural environment
- 8 Business and economy
- 9 Sport, leisure and recreation
- 10 Healthcare and education
- 11 Transport and movement
- 12 Infrastructure improvements and provision
- 13 Implementation and plan review
- 14 Non policy actions
- 15 Policies maps
- 16 Evidence based documents
- Glossary
- Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version
- Representation search for Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Using the Neighbourhood Plan
- Setting the scene
- Vision and Objectives
- General Policies
- Representations made against Policy G1 - Improving access and parking
- Representations made against Policy G2 - Strategic green space
- Representations made against Policy G3 - Creating well-designed places
- Representations made against Policy G4 - Sustainable design
- Representations made against Policy G5 - Baldock conservation area
- Representations made against Policy G6 - Local Heritage assets
- Policies for specific sites
- Representations made against Policy E1 - Transport and air Quality
- Representations made against Policy E2 - Green infrastructure and outdoor recreation
- Representations made against Policy E3 - Managing construction impacts
- Representations made against Policy E4 - Building strong communities
- Representations made against Policy E5 - Development north of the railway
- Representations made against Policy E6 - Royston Road
- Representations made against Policy E7 - Cambrai Farm and south of Clothall Common
- Policies for the Villages
- Annex A: How the plan was put together
- Annex B: List of Neighbourhood and Local Plan policies
- Annex C: Buildings of local importance
- Annex D: Maps of Bygrave, Clothall and Luffenhall villages
- Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031
- Representation search for Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031
- Foreword
- 1. Introduction
- 2. How the Neighbourhood Plan was Prepared - Our Journey Begins
- 3. Preston Parish
- 4. The Vision for Preston Parish to 2031
- 5. Objectives of the Plan
- 6. Introduction of Policies and Community Rights
- 7. Living in Preston (Quality of Life)
- 8. Amenities and Facilities
- 9. Housing and Development
- Representations made against Policy HD1: Size of Individual Development
- Representations made against Policy HD2: Pedestrian Links and Rights of Way
- Representations made against Policy HD3: Housing Types
- Representations made against Policy HD4: Tenure of Housing
- Representations made against Policy HD5: Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
- Representations made against Policy HD6: Design
- Representations made against Policy HD7: Gardens
- Representations made against Policy HD8: Flood Risk and Drainage Provisions
- Representations made against Policy HD9: Residential Extensions
- Representations made against Policy HD10: New Housing Development
- Representations made against Policy HD11: Construction Management
- 10. Environment and Heritage
- Representations made against Policy EH1: Village Boundary
- Representations made against Policy EH2: Distinct Villages
- Representations made against Policy EH3: Conservation Areas and Heritage Assets
- Representations made against Policy EH4: Open and Green Spaces
- Representations made against Policy EH5: Protecting and Enhancing the Local Environment
- Representations made against Policy EH6: Tranquillity and Dark Skies
- Representations made against Policy EH7: Views and Vistas
- Representations made against Policy EH8: Access to the Countryside
- Representations made against Policy EH9: Protecting and Enhancing the Natural Environment
- Representations made against Policy EH10: Wildlife Sites
- Representations made against Policy EH11: Biodiversity
- 11. Transport and Communications
- 12. Implementation and Monitoring
- Appendices
- Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031
- Representation search for Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031
- Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031
- Representations made against 4. About the Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Planning Forum (WPNPF)
- Representations made against 7. Green Belt
- Representations made against 16. Housing and Other Development
- Representations made against Annex 3
- Representations made against Basic Condition 1
- Representations made against Basic Condition 2
- Representations made against Basic Condition 3
- Representations made against Basic Condition 4
- Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031
- Representation search for Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031
- Historic documents
- Codicote Neighbourhood Plan 2024 - 2031 Submission
- Representation search for Codicote Neighbourhood Plan 2024 - 2031 Submission
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Vision and Objectives
- 3 Parish Portrait
- 4 Policies Map
- 5 Design Policies
- 6 Amenities Policies
- 7 Infrastructure Policies
- 8 Natural Environment Policies
- 9 Heritage Assets Policies
- 10 Implementation and Spending Priorities
- Appendix A – Detailed Policy Map Extract
- Appendix B - References
- Appendix C - Abbreviations
- Appendix D - Codicote Design Codes and Guidance
- Appendix E - Project Plan
- Appendix F - Local Green Spaces
- Appendix G - Surface Water & River Flooding
- Appendix H – Extract of North Landscape Study (2011)
- Appendix I – Photographs of Important Views
- Appendix J – Justification for Important Views
- Appendix K – Codicote Village Centre
- Appendix L – Codicote Business Premises
- Appendix M – Summary Local Wildlife Site Inventory
- Appendix N– Hertfordshire Ecological Network Mapping
- Appendix O – Non-designated Heritage Assets
- Appendix P – Nitrogen Oxide (NO2) Analysis 2018
- Appendix Q– Rights of Way Map
- Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Supporting Documents
- Representation search for Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Supporting Documents
- Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031
- Representation search for Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031
- Sustainability Draft Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Sustainability Draft Supplementary Planning Document
- Foreword
- 2 Objectives
- 3 Technical and General Guidance
- Representations made against Passive Design and Energy Efficiency
- Representations made against On-Site Low Carbon and Renewable Energy
- Representations made against Transport
- Representations made against Air Quality
- Representations made against Waste
- Representations made against Materials
- Representations made against Green Infrastructure (GI)
- Representations made against Adaptation to Climate Change
- Representations made against Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS)
- Representations made against Water efficiency standards
- Representations made against Renewable Energy developments
- Representations made against Application process
- 4 Historic Buildings
- Appendix A - Major Residential Application
- Appendix B Minor Residential Applications
- Appendix C Major Non-Residential Applications
- Appendix D Minor Non-residential Applications
- Appendix E Domestic extensions, outbuildings & other minor operations
- Appendix F Summary of requirements by devleopment type
- Wallington Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2031 Submission Version June 2023 - Appendices
- Representation search for Wallington Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2031 Submission Version June 2023 - Appendices
- Statement of Community Involvement Draft March 2023
- Representation search for Statement of Community Involvement Draft March 2023
- Draft Development Contributions SPD - September 2022
- Representation search for Draft Development Contributions SPD - September 2022
- Draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document - September 2022
- Foreword
- Appendix A: S106 process flow-chart
- Appendix B: Maintenance Contract Prices for Open Space (February 2022)
- Ashwell Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan
- Representation search for Ashwell Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan
- Pirton Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan
- Representation search for Pirton Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan
- Charlton – Application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area – 2021
- Representation search for Charlton – Application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area – 2021
- Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
- Representation search for Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
- Schedule of Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031
- Representations made against ED172
- Representations made against FM 010
- Representations made against MM 004 / FM 011
- Representations made against FM 012
- Representations made against FM 013
- Representations made against FM 016
- Representations made against FM 017
- Representations made against FM 018
- Representations made against FM 020
- Representations made against FM 021
- Representations made against FM 022
- Representations made against FM 023
- Representations made against FM 024
- Representations made against FM 025
- Representations made against FM 026
- Representations made against FM 027
- Representations made against FM 028
- Representations made against FM 029
- Representations made against FM 030
- Representations made against FM 031
- Representations made against FM 032
- Representations made against FM 035
- Representations made against FM 036
- Representations made against FM 037
- Representations made against FM 038
- Representations made against MM 010 / FM 039
- Representations made against MM 012 / FM 041
- Representations made against MM 014 / FM 042
- Representations made against FM 043
- Representations made against FM 044
- Representations made against MM 015 / FM 045
- Representations made against FM 046
- Representations made against FM 047
- Representations made against FM 048
- Representations made against FM 049
- Representations made against MM 017 / FM 050
- Representations made against FM 051
- Representations made against MM 019 / FM 052
- Representations made against FM 053
- Representations made against MM 020 / FM 054
- Representations made against MM 021 / FM 055
- Representations made against MM 035 / FM 057
- Representations made against FM 058
- Representations made against MM 037 /FM 059
- Representations made against MM 039 / FM 061
- Representations made against FM 062
- Representations made against FM 063
- Representations made against MM 040 / FM 064
- Representations made against MM 043 / FM 065
- Representations made against MM 045 / FM 001
- Representations made against FM 002
- Representations made against FM 067
- Representations made against MM 050 / FM 069
- Representations made against MM 056 / FM 070
- Representations made against MM 057 / FM 003
- Representations made against MM 058 / FM 004
- Representations made against MM 061 / FM 005
- Representations made against MM 068 / FM 006
- Representations made against MM 072 / FM 007
- Representations made against MM 075 / FM 008
- Representations made against MM 083 / FM 009
- Representations made against MM 092 / FM 078
- Representations made against MM 095 / FM 082
- Representations made against MM 099 / FM 088
- Representations made against MM 100 / FM 092
- Representations made against MM 139 / FM 095
- Representations made against MM 140 / FM 096
- Representations made against MM 141 / FM 097
- Representations made against MM 143 / FM 099
- Representations made against MM 166 / FM 100
- Representations made against MM 201 / FM 101
- Representations made against MM 202 / FM 102
- Representations made against MM 207 / FM 106
- Representations made against MM 213 / FM 108
- Representations made against MM 214 / FM 109
- Representations made against MM 215 / FM 111
- Representations made against MM 216 / FM 112
- Representations made against MM 217 / FM 113
- Representations made against MM 219 / FM 114
- Representations made against FM 115
- Representations made against MM 222 / FM 118
- Representations made against MM 224 / FM 120
- Representations made against MM 227 / FM 123
- Representations made against MM 229 / FM 125
- Representations made against MM 248 / FM 129
- Representations made against MM 262 / FM 131
- Representations made against MM 263 / FM 132
- Representations made against FM 134
- Representations made against MM 266 / FM 135
- Representations made against MM 267 / FM 136
- Representations made against MM 283 / FM 143
- Representations made against MM 286 / FM 145
- Representations made against FM 146
- Representations made against MM 310 / FM 153
- Representations made against MM 311 / FM 154
- Representations made against FM 163
- Representations made against FM 164
- Representations made against FM 173
- Representations made against MM 365 / FM 183
- Representations made against MM 372 / FM 187
- Representations made against MM 373 / FM 188
- Representations made against MM 374 / FM 189
- Representations made against FM 190
- Representations made against FM 191
- Representations made against FM 192
- Representations made against FM 193
- Representations made against FM 194
- Representations made against FM 195
- Representations made against FM 196
- Examination Documents
- Representations made against ED170
- Representations made against ED171
- Representations made against ED172
- Representations made against ED173
- Representations made against ED175
- Representations made against ED191A
- Representations made against ED215
- Representations made against ED224
- Representations made against ED228
- Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan - Proposed Changes to the Examiner's Report
- Representation search for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan - Proposed Changes to the Examiner's Report
- Statement of Community Involvement for Planning Draft Consultation - January 2020
- Representation search for Statement of Community Involvement for Planning Draft Consultation - January 2020
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Local Plan
- 3. Supplementary Planning Documents and Planning Briefs
- 4. Neighbourhood Plans or Neighbourhood Development Orders
- 5. Community Involvement in Local Planning
- 6. Local Planning - Methods of Consultation
- 7. What will we do with your comments
- 8. Community Involvement in the Development Management Process
- 9. Social Media
- 10. NHDC Resource Availability
- 11. Reviewing the SCI
- 12. Appendices
- Wallington - Neighbourhood Planning Area
- Representation search for Wallington - Neighbourhood Planning Area
- Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
- Article 4 Direction
- Representation search for Article 4 Direction
- Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031 - February 2019
- Representation search for Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031 - February 2019
- Forward
- 1. Introduction
- 2. How the Neighbourhood Plan was prepared - Our journey begins
- 3. Preston Parish
- 4. The Vision for Preston Parish to 2031
- 5. Objectives of the Plan
- Introduction to Policies and Community Rights
- 7. Living in Preston (Quality of Life)
- 8. Amenities and Facilities
- 9. Housing and Development
- Representations made against Policy HD1: Size of Individual Development
- Representations made against Policy HD2: Pedestrian Links and Rights of Way
- Representations made against Policy HD3: Housing Types
- Representations made against Policy HD5: Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
- Representations made against Policy HD6: Design
- Representations made against Policy HD7: Gardens
- Representations made against Policy HD8: Flood Risk and Drainage Provisions
- Representations made against Policy HD9: Residential Extensions
- Representations made against Policy HD10: New Housing Development
- 10. Environment and Heritage
- Representations made against Policy EH1: Village Boundary, Rural Character and Setting
- Representations made against Policy EH2: Conservation Areas and Heritage Assets
- Representations made against Policy EH3: Open and Green Spaces
- Representations made against Policy EH5: Tranquillity and Dark Skies
- Representations made against Policy EH6: Views and Vistas
- 11. Transport and Communications
- 12. Implementation and Monitoring
- Appendix A: People
- Appendix B: Survey
- Appendix C: Environment
- Appendix D: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment
- Appendix E: Reference Books and Maps Consulted
- Appendix F: Preston Parish Implementation Plan
- Appendix G: Preston Parish Project List
- Proposed Main Modifications
- Representation search for Proposed Main Modifications
- Proposed Main Modifications - List of Examination Documents
- Representation search for Proposed Main Modifications - List of Examination Documents
- ED2 Markides Associates technical note on transportation East of Luton
- ED3 Partial update on housing monitoring and 5 year supply
- ED4 Luton Local Plan Inspector's report
- ED5 MoU between NHDC and Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership
- ED6 SoCG between NHDC and Aylesbury Vale District Council
- ED7 SoCG between NHDC and St Albans District Council
- ED13 MoU between NHDC and East Herts District Council
- ED14 NHDC Transport Strategy
- ED14A Errata attached to ED14 NHDC Transport Strategy
- ED16 Inspector's final report on Stevenage Borough Council Local Plan
- ED17 PSE Consulting: review of smaller scale (4-5FE) versus larger (6FE) Secondary Schools
- ED18 Updated SoCG on NHDC Local Plan between NHDC and Luton Borough Council
- ED19 Interpretation of COMET Model results for North Hertfordshire District
- ED20 Hitchin Industrial Area Transport Study
- ED21 ED53 - Matter 1 NHDC Opening Statement at Hearing Sessions: Cllr Levett
- ED22 Mr Marcus Powell: Details of FOI request
- ED25 ED53 - Matter 3 HMA's Bedfordshire and the surrounding areas: Updating the evidence of Migration
- ED27 SoCG between NHDC and HCC: Strategic Allocation BA1
- ED28 SoCG between NHDC, Bloor Homes and The Crown Estate: Strategic Allocations EL1, EL2 and EL3
- ED29 SoCG between NHDC and Picture SRL: Strategic Allocation GA2
- ED30 SoCG between NHDC and Bellcross Homes: Strategic Allocation HT1
- ED31 SoCG between NHDC and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation: Strategic Allocation LG1
- ED32 SoCG between NHDC and Croudace Homes: Strategic Allocation NS1
- ED34 Calverton Judgement: Case No: CO/4846/2014
- ED35 Secretary of State's speech on Housing Market
- ED36 Secretary of State's letter to Stevenage Borough Council re hold on Local Plan
- ED37 ED53 - Matter 2 NHDC Proposed Revisions to Policy SP2
- ED39 ED53 - Matter 2 NHDC response to Mr Powell's FOI
- ED39a: Freedom of Information response
- ED39b: Appeal decision: APP/X1925/W/17/3172798 Rose Farm, Codicote Road, Whitwell, Herts SG4 8AB
- ED41 NHDC: CAG response to ED40
- ED42 ED53 - Matter 4 NHDC Note to Inspector: Five Year Housing Land supply scenarios
- ED43 ED53 - Matter 1 NHDC Note to Inspector re operation of website during consultations especially regulation 19 consultation
- ED44 ED53 - Matter 2 NHDC current and proposed Green Belt Maps
- ED44a: Current Green Belt Boundaries
- ED44b: Proposed Green Belt Boundaries
- ED50 SoCG between NHDC and New Road Property Developments & Bovis Homes WY1 Land South of Little Wymondley and Policy CGB5
- ED51 SoCG between NHDC and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation
- ED52 ED53 - Matter 1 SoCG between NHDC and Natural England
- ED57a ED53 - Matter 3 St Modwen Developments V Secretary of State 28.4.16 CO/3653/2015
- ED57b ED53 - Matter 3 St Modwen Developments: Court of Appeal C1/2016/2001
- ED58a ED53 - Matter 3 Oadby & Wigston BC V Secretary of State & Bloor Homes 3.7.15 CO/1359/2015
- ED58b ED53 - Matter 3 Oadby & Wigston BC: Court of Appeal C1/2015/2447
- ED59 Dartford Borough Council V Secretary of State Court of Appeal CO/4129/2015 Case No: C1/2016/1664
- ED60 NHDC Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment Update Final Report
- ED61 Letter from NHDC Property Services concerning sites in the Local Plan
- ED62 NHDC Note to Inspector on Air Quality
- ED63 AQMA Action Plan Stevenage Road - Hitchin
- ED64 AQMA Action Plan Stevenage Road and Paynes Park, Hitchin
- ED65 AQMA Action Plan non technical summary Stevenage Road & Paynes Park
- ED66 AQMA Action Plan update Stevenage Road, Hitchin
- ED67 AQMA Order Paynes Park, Hitchin
- ED68 AQMA Order Stevenage Road, Hitchin
- ED69 NHDC Air Quality Annual Statistics Report 2016
- ED70 NHDC Air Quality Annual Statistics Report 2017
- ED71 Statement of Common Ground between NHDC and landowners West of Stevenage re safeguarded land
- ED72 NHDC Viability Addendum
- ED73 ED53 - Matter 4 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (main report)
- ED73A Appendix 1 - Infrastructure Delivery Schedule
- ED74 NHDC Matter 6 Infrastructure Table
- ED75 Supplementary SoCG with LGCHF
- ED76 Lower Stondon Heritage Assessment
- ED77 ED53 Matter 4 NHDC Liaison with Letchworth Garden City Heritage foundation re NHDC proposed development in Letchworth Town centre
- ED78 ED53 Matter 4 NHDC calculation re 20% figure in policy SP8(d) re previously developed land
- ED79 ED54 Matter 7 NHDC to provide justification for proposed addition of land to Green Belt
- ED80 SOCG between NHDC and EW Pepper Ltd re: education provision at site RY1, Royston
- ED81 SOCG between NHDC and Bloor Homes/The Crown Estate re: education provision at strategic site EL1/2/3, East of Luton
- ED82 SOCG between NHDC and Historic England
- ED83 ED54 Matter 8 NHDC note on self build
- ED84 ED54 Matter 9 NHDC note on SHLAA chronology
- ED85 ED53 - Matter 6 NHDC Note on transport modelling and the southern bypass for Hitchin
- ED86 ED53 - Matter 6 NHDC - Note on the B656 between Codicote and Knebworth
- ED89 NHDC Note on Chilterns AONB Proposed Extension (Matter 19)
- ED90 SoCG between NHDC and Hertfordshire County Council re: BA1
- ED91 SoCG between NHDC and Hertfordshire County Council re: BA2, BA3 and BA4
- ED93 ED55 - Matter 19 - previous consultation responses from HRBC Herts Ecology
- ED97 Luton Borough Council 2015 transport modelling evidence re Luton Airport
- ED105 ED53: Matter 6 Statement of common ground between NHDC and Hertfordshire County Council Highways
- ED106 Supplementary SoCG between NHDC and Picture SRL re allocation GA2 Land NE of Stevenage
- ED107 Supplementary SoCG between NHDC and Croudace re allocation NS1 Land North of Stevenage
- ED108 SoCG between NHDC and Gladman Developments Ltd re Site KB4
- ED109 ED53 - Matter 1: Missing correspondence between NHDC & HCC in relation to education matters
- ED110 ED54: NHDC to confirm to Ms Cheryl Peers the number of the sites allocated in the draft LP which are in the GB as currently defined
- ED110A Appendix A: List of sites in GB as currently defined
- ED112 Supplementary SoCG between NHDC and New Rd. Property Developments and Bovis Homes: WY1 Land south of Lt. Wymondley and Policy CGB5
- ED113 ED94: Matter 21 response to Ms Cottier re access to website between 31.12.17 and 23.1.18
- ED114 SoCG Between NHDC and Mr Neil Ross site TH1
- ED116 ED96: Matter 11 English Heritage representation to the Preferred Options consultation February 2015
- ED117 ED56: Matter 14 Council response to Inspector's queries re: retail issues
- ED118 ED56: Matter 13 Council's responses to Inspector's queries re: Economic Development (B class uses)
- ED121 Chilterns AONB Setting Report
- ED131 Supplementary Statement of Common Ground between NHDC and Bellcross Homes re. Site HT1: Highover Farm, Hitchin
- ED136 NHDC note to the Inspector on services & features at AS1
- ED159 NHDC note to Inspector: Implications of new household projections for the NHDC Local Plan
- ED161A Green Belt Review Update
- ED161B Green Belt Review Update - Appendices
- ED163 Council's annotated response to the Inspector's note (ED160A)
- ED164 Updated Habitat Regulation Assessment
- ED164A Updated Habitat Regulation Assessment - Appendix 5
- ED137 Matter 1: Legal Requirements
- ED138 Matter 2: Sustainable Development: the settlement hierarchy
- ED139 Matter 3: The Housing Strategy: the need for housing and the housing requirement
- ED140 Matter 4: The Housing Strategy: the supply of land for housing
- ED141 Matter 5: Housing Strategy: The spatial distribution of new housing.
- ED142 Matter 6: Deliverability
- ED143 Matter 7: Countryside and Green Belt: the Green Belt review and approach to safeguarded land
- ED144 Matter 8: The Housing Strategy: affordable housing, housing mix and supported, sheltered older persons housing
- ED145 Matter 9: Housing Strategy: the spatial distribution of new housing
- ED146 Matter 10: The housing allocations and the settlement boundaries: The Towns
- ED146A Baldock and Hitchin
- ED146B Letchworth and Royston
- ED146C Luton and Cockernhoe
- ED147 Matter 10/11: Stevenage (Gt Ashby), Graveley (including North of Stevenage) and Knebworth.
- ED148 Matter 11: The housing allocations and the settlement boundaries: The Villages
- ED148A Ashwell, Barkway, Barley, Breachwood Green, Hexton and Kimpton
- ED148B Ickleford, Lower Stondon, Little Wymondley and Codicote
- ED148C St Ippolyts, Reed, Sandon, Therfield, Weston, Whitwell, Oaklands, Offley, Pirton and Preston
- ED149 Matter 12: Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
- ED150 Matter 13: Economic Development
- ED151 Matter 14: Town and Local Centres
- ED152 Matter 15: Countryside and Green Belt: the policy approach to the Green Belt, Rural Areas beyond and the Green Belt and Urban Open Land
- ED153 Matter 16: Transport and Infrastructure
- ED154 Matter 17: Design including Air Quality (also see ED156 Matter 21 Air Quality)
- ED155 Matter 18: Healthy communities
- ED156 Matter19: The Natural Environment
- ED157 Matter 20: The Historic Environment
- ED158 Matter 21: Air quality (see also ED152 Matter 17 Design including air quality).
- Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan
- Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
- Representation search for Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
- Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan
- Preston Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Preston Neighbourhood Plan