Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023

Ended on the 27 June 2023

6. Sustainable Development Principles


6.1. Reflecting the NPPF and the consideration of locations for new development by North Hertfordshire District Council through the Local Plan, new development must be sustainable, achieve high design & environmental standards, reflect local preferences in terms of location and especially important, deliver new community infrastructure.

6.2. The Parish has a distinctive character and new development should protect, reflect and enhance that character. There is a need for development to contribute to the quality of life for residents, including healthy lifestyles, access to local services, green open spaces, safe places for active play, and to be accessible by walking and cycling and public transport.

6.3. While it is generally accepted that some new development is inevitable, many residents feel that the level proposed in the Local Plan is inappropriate for the village, with allocations reflecting wider housing need rather than simply those of the parish. There is a strong feeling that any housing development should meet the needs of local people - existing and future generations, applying the principles of sustainable development to reflect environmental, economic and social needs. The policies reflect the issues facing the Parish, the Vision and the Aims.

"Keeping the village's essence /character whilst also trying to future-proof it, is a delicate balancing act. However, it is important to try to keep its history and character. Far too many lovely villages have been swamped by towns such as Stevenage and Luton. Homogenisation of Ickleford into a suburb of Hitchin must be avoided at all costs."

6.4. For Ickleford Parish, the meaning of sustainable development is set out below.

Sustainable Development Principles

Sustainable development for Ickleford means that development should be:

  • Proportionate and in locations where it would support the community,
  • Of a high standard of design, reflecting the character of the surroundings,
  • Contributing towards community infrastructure,
  • Providing superfast broadband connections,
  • Suitable electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  • Ensuring that there is no increase in the risk of flooding, to new and existing properties
  • Meeting contemporary construction, energy efficiency and water management standards,
  • Located and designed to enable safe walking and cycling to local services and facilities.

The following adverse impacts must be avoided:

  • The loss of the best and most versatile agricultural land,
  • The loss or inappropriate diversion of public rights of way,
  • Avoidable intrusion into open countryside and Green Belt,
  • The loss of or damage to wildlife habitats, including delicate chalk streams, hedgerows and trees
  • A loss of amenity for existing residential properties and reduced efficiency for nearby businesses,
  • Overloading existing utilities and services (water, drainage, sewage and waste),
  • Reducing gap between Ickleford and Hitchin.
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