Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023

Ended on the 27 June 2023


The village of Ickleford and its surrounding countryside form a beautiful, and much loved, parish. With its leafy central green surrounded by the school, church and shop, this rural village has a strong identity and sense of community. Its rivers, commons and footpaths are enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

The prospect of significant development, as proposed in the North Hertfordshire Local Plan, is a concern for many. Residents fear losing what makes Ickleford special, in particular, its small village feel and unique identity.

The village has grown before and will continue to evolve. The Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan was developed in the context of continuing change. It aims to protect the Parish's special character and make any changes as positive as possible.

The Neighbourhood Plan arose from the Localism Act, which aims to give residents a voice in the issues that affect them. If accepted, its policies will form part of the planning guidance for the area, integrating into the district planning process.

The plan was developed by a steering group of local residents on behalf of Ickleford Parish Council. The group's role was to gather the views of residents and create a plan that mirrors their wishes and priorities. Local residents' love of the parish and their engagement with this process has been a source of great encouragement to the group.

Our thanks go to all the people who have given their time to share their views, to members of the Parish Council, past and present, to Judith Crosier, Colin Kendall, Sally Chapman, AECOM and our fellow committee members, both current and former, especially Louise Peace, Robert Overett, Mike Willoughby, Pauline Gardiner, Mike Jones, Bruce Parker and Sam Zalin-Miller.

Ruth Bryer and James Tizzard

Co-Chairs of the Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

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