Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023

Ended on the 27 June 2023

(1)2. The Strategic Policy Context

The National Planning Policy Framework

2.1. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published in July 2021 and sets out the Government's approach to sustainable development. At the heart of the NPPF is the 'presumption in favour of sustainable development'. Essentially, it is about positive growth with economic, social and environmental gains being sought simultaneously through the planning system. Neighbourhood planning forms part of the NPPF approach to planning, to allow local communities to shape sustainable development within their area and to enable local communities to address their strategic needs and priorities. The NPPF states that Neighbourhood Plans should set out a positive vision for the future of the local area with planning policies to determine decisions on planning applications, including policies which set out the quality of development that should be expected for the area, based on stated objectives for the area's future and an understanding and evaluation of its defining characteristics. However, a Neighbourhood Plan must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan and plan positively to support these policies.

Sustainable Development

2.2. The Neighbourhood Plan must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The NPPF states that pursuing sustainable development helps to build a strong, responsive and competitive economy, ensuring a sufficient number and range of homes is provided in a well-designed, beautiful and safe built environment with accessible services and open spaces and to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment.

2.3. Therefore, the aims, objectives, policies and proposals of the Neighbourhood Plan should be assessed against their ability to achieve sustainable development. Wherever possible the Neighbourhood Plan should actively promote the achievement of sustainable development.

Local Planning Documents

2.4. Ickleford Parish lies within the local planning authority of North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC). The current development plan is the Local Plan 2011 – 2031 which was adopted by NHDC in November 2022.

2.5. Ickleford is identified as a village in the Local Plan and 199 dwellings on 3 sites are proposed. A fourth site for 120 houses in the north of the Parish adjacent to Lower Stondon (LS) was also proposed and the development of 144 houses on the site is almost complete.

2.6. The adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan documents form part of the Development Plan for the area. The current adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan documents consist of the following:

  • The Waste Site Allocations Development Plan Document 2011-2026 (adopted July 2014)
  • The Waste Core Strategy & Development Management Policies Development Plan Document 2011-2026 (adopted November 2012)
  • The Minerals Local Plan 2002-2016 (adopted March 2007)
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