Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023

Ended on the 27 June 2023

5. Vision and Aims

5.1. The Vision and Aims of this Neighbourhood Plan have been carefully developed and refined by the Steering Group to reflect the priorities of the community and help set the future of the village. The Vision is the overall aim of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Aims are more detailed, allowing the development of policies which in turn will be used to comment on and determine planning applications.


Ickleford will thrive as a strong community retaining its own rural village identity and strong central hub, while maintaining excellent links with surrounding towns for employment and essential services. The needs of the village and parish population will be met, including local facilities, access to the countryside and sustainable transport, while protecting and enhancing the distinct natural and historical heritage in the Parish.

Future development will be carried out sensitively to maintain the character of the village, with new housing that is built to high quality standards and meets local need.

Neighbourhood Plan Aims


  1. The countryside setting of the village will be protected and enhanced, by ensuring separation from the urban edge of Hitchin whilst retaining access to the countryside. Green spaces, views and local wildlife habitats, including rare chalk streams will be maintained and enhanced.
  1. Parish heritage assets and key public spaces will be protected and enhanced, ensuring that any future development enhances the existing character of the village.

Sustainable Development

  1. High quality design will be secured in all new development reflecting the character of Ickleford and its rural setting and complying with Ickleford Design Codes.
  1. Future housing will respond to local housing needs, be of a high standard of design and construction, and fit well into the context of the village in terms of type, mix, scale and character.
  1. New build housing should be constructed to high energy saving standards and be resource efficient in ways which are appropriate to the existing rural environment.

Traffic and Transport

  1. The roads in Ickleford will be safe and accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Improvements to the road network to increase safety and reduce the impact of congestion will be required alongside new development. Beneficial sustainable transport links (including pavements, footpaths, cycle routes and public transport) will be provided and appropriate parking solutions required.


  1. Existing community facilities, such as the school, village hall, and sports and recreation centre, will be maintained and improved. Their wider use, and development to meet changing needs will be encouraged.
  1. The range of commercial activities and services in the village will be sustained and enhanced. Economic activity such as working from home and provision of small-scale business units will be encouraged.
  1. The leisure and recreation opportunities for residents of all ages will be improved by encouraging community activities, and increasing the provision of open spaces and children's play facilities.
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