Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023

Ended on the 27 June 2023

12. Aspirations, Implementation and Monitoring


12.1. The questionnaire asked residents their priorities for investment should money become available because of new development. The top four priorities all related to traffic and transport, or the environment and green spaces.

12.2. Traffic and transport aspirations related to speed calming, pedestrian safety (especially Cadwell Bridge and Turnpike Lane roundabout), parking, cyclepaths and bus routes. Potential projects include: 

Cadwell Bridge - a major pedestrian safety issue

- Improved safety at Cadwell Bridge with safer access routes / paths to Hitchin Lavender
- Addressing safety concerns at Turnpike Lane roundabout
- Speed calming measures
- A footway along Chambers Lane
- Improved parking to provide better access to village facilities – school, shop etc.
- Cycle path access to the north of the parish (LS1)
- Cycle path access to Cadwell Lane industrial area Hitchin
- Cycle path access to Hitchin train station
- More, and better linked, bus routes, especially to stations

12.3. Investment in the environment and green spaces could include:

- Maintenance of footpaths and care of the river
- Information boards by the river
- More benches
- A possible development of a forest school

12.4. In terms of retail, there was popular support for a café/coffee shop or bakery. A Post office and larger shop would also be welcome. Possible projects include:

- A larger or expanded village shop, to include a Post Office
- A central meeting place other than pubs and church, e.g. a café
- A pharmacy

12.5. A desire to maintain, improve and make better use of current facilities was also highlighted, e.g. the school (on its current site), sporting facilities and the Village Hall. Possible improvement and extension of facilities could include:

- The retention and development of Ickleford Primary School on its existing site
- A purpose built pre-school (as part of the existing school development)
- Improved facilities for young people, youth club facilities
- A skate park
- Activities for young children and carers, older people and young people
- GP services
- Community events

Implementation & Working in Partnership

12.6. Ickleford Parish Council is committed to Localism and locally informed influence over planning decisions and it will be the key organisation in the implementation, monitoring and review of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Council will build upon its excellent track record in engaging in planning decisions (reactively through consultation and proactively through promoting the policies of this plan) and by delivering related projects for the local community.

12.7. The Plan will be used by the Parish Council to:

  • guide comments on planning applications,
  • negotiate with landowners and developers to achieve the best possible outcomes from new development,
  • direct financial resources to the Parish in a structured way,
  • bring together groups or working parties to improve the village environment,
  • lobby local authorities to support the parishioners' wishes and aspirations.

12.8. It is recognised that partnership working is needed for the potential of the plan to be realised. Partnership and joint working will be key elements in the successful implementation of the plan. The main organisations and the roles that they can play are summarised below.

  • North Hertfordshire District Council - Planning Policy, Development Control, Housing Management and Improvement, Economic Development, Open Spaces, Recreation and Community Facilities
  • Hertfordshire County Council - Drainage, Highways and Transport, Education, Landscape, Minerals and Waste and Social Services.
  • Adjoining Parish Councils – Assessing impact of large scale planning applications and discussing local facilities.
  • Environment Agency The planning, design and delivery of development, taking account of: Flood risk management; Water quality and water resources, Waste management, Land contamination and soil and other regulation.
  • Site owners and developers will need to liaise with the Parish Council as well as the other agencies involved in development.

Funding and Implementation Mechanisms

12.9. Financial contributions will be sought from developers through Section 106 and other legal agreements. In the future, NHDC may work on introducing the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which provides a legal framework to raise funds to provide the infrastructure needed to cope with new developments based on pounds per square metre of floorspace.

12.10. The Neighbourhood Planning Regulations of the 2011 Localism Act enable areas with a Neighbourhood Plan in place to receive at least 25% of the CIL raised in their area to direct to their own local infrastructure priorities. These contributions will be targeted on the priority need to deliver new community infrastructure.

12.11. In addition, the Parish Council will seek to influence annual and other budget decisions by NHDC on housing, open space and recreation, economic development, community facilities and transport, through the Local Transport Plan.

12.12. The Parish Council will also work with the appropriate agencies and organisations to develop funding bids to help to achieve Neighbourhood Plan policies and objectives. This might include: The Lottery; UK Government programmes; land fill tax credits, and Local Economic Partnership funding.

12.13. The Neighbourhood Plan will be used by the Parish Council to:

  • guide comments on planning applications
  • negotiate with landowners and developers to achieve the best possible outcomes from new development
  • direct financial resources to the village in a structured way
  • bring together groups or working parties to improve the village environment
  • lobby local authorities to support the parishioners wishes and aspirations

Monitoring and Review

12.14. It is important to check that progress is made towards meeting the objectives and policies of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council will report on the implementation of the Plan every 5 years and consider

  • if progress is being made to achieve the vision and the objectives of the Plan
  • if progress is being made towards the implementation of the policies in the Plan
  • if financial contributions available to the community arising from development is being targeted towards the identified plans and projects
  • if the Plan remains based on the most up to date information
  • if the Plan is being taken into account by NHDC when determining planning applications

12.15. However, it may prove necessary to formally review the Plan prior to 2035, for example following a future review of the Local Plan or changes in national policy. The Parish Council will conclude whether a review is required. If so, it will commence the review at an appropriate time and secure opinions of residents and stakeholders to update the Plan.

Ickleford Upper Green, early 1900s and in 2022. The focal point of many village activities and meeting place for school children and their parents.

Ickleford Upper Green, early 1900s (left) and in 2022. The focal point of many village activities and meeting place for school children and their parents.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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