Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023
(6) 1. Introduction
1.1. In 2011, the Localism Act introduced a new opportunity for local communities to shape their future formally as part of the planning system. Neighbourhood Plans can be produced by Parish Councils and when they have gone through all the required steps and processes, they become part of the development plan for the area. This means that any planning applications will have to take account of policies contained within the Neighbourhood Plan. It also provides local people with a say on how land use and buildings can develop over time, such as protecting open spaces and improving local character.
1.2. Producing a Neighbourhood Plan is a formal process involving several stages, governed by the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012, but critically important is that the Plan is developed with continuing community involvement. In order to rigorously test the policies of a Neighbourhood Plan, an independent examination is carried out. The Neighbourhood Plan must conform to the following 'basic conditions':
- have regard to national policy;
- be in general conformity with strategic local policy;
- contribute to the achievement of sustainable development;
- be compatible with EU obligations; and
- meet prescribed conditions and comply with prescribed matters.
1.3. Once the Plan has passed Examination, it is voted upon in a referendum by Parish residents and if a simple majority 'yes' vote is achieved, then the Neighbourhood Plan is 'made' by North Hertfordshire District Council and comes into force as a planning document with legal weight in decision-making.
1.4. Ickleford Parish Council resolved in June 2014 to proceed with making a Neighbourhood Plan and the Neighbourhood Area was approved as being the whole of the Parish on 23rd September 2014.