Sustainability Draft Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 16 February 2024

Appendix E Domestic extensions, outbuildings & other minor operations

Under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. Householders can alter their properties without the need for a full planning application. This is known as 'Permitted Development' rights.

For formal confirmation that a proposal would be lawful and would not require planning permission, an application for a Lawful Development Certificate can be made.

Overview Checklist





Passive Design and Energy Efficiency

Design & access statement demonstrating compliance with national and local polices and the building regulations

Future Homes Standard (or equivalent)

Passivhaus / LETI standard (including retrofitting existing part of building)

Sustainable Transport

Car & cycle parking provision in accordance with NHDC's Parking SPD


Site waste management plan (SWMP)

Demonstrating recycling of 10% of non-hazardous construction waste – diverting it from landfill

25% or more waste diverted from landfill

50% or more construction waste diverted from landfill – e.g. by utilising mobile recycling plan on site


Reclaimed materials

Low carbon alternatives

Locally sourcing

Design based on natural, sustainable materials that incorporate insulation and good passive solar design.

Timber used is sourced from sustainable sources ideally locally grown or FSC certified.

Plus Significant proportion of reclaimed materials used in construction

& use of low carbon alternative construction materials such as low carbon bricks and green concrete straw bales or 'hempcrete'

Land use & Wildlife

Ecological survey

Management plan with mitigation and monitoring measures

identifying any priority habitat protected / priority species establishing potential impacts.

Demonstrate how biodiversity has bene enhanced e.g. through planting, wildlife housing (bats, bees, newt ponds)

Water efficiency standard within new dwellings (See Water Use)

Demonstrate how development minimises water use through installation of efficient appliances (e.g. A+++ white goods/ boilers)

Demonstrate integrated rainwater harvesting – e.g. through the use of water butts, blue roofs and rainwater harvesting including private rainwater collection and reuse points.

Additionally include water recycling systems such as a grey water system.

Adaptation to Climate Change:

Surface water drainage strategy

Surface water run-off is managed as close to its source as possible with

a SuDS strategy and a maintenance plan.

Demonstrates that scheme will not increase downstream flood risk. Scheme must achieve greenfield run-off rates. Where this is demonstrably not feasible, a minimum 50% reduction will be required.

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