Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031 - February 2019

Ended on the 25 April 2019

E. Reference Books and Maps Consulted

    for Sections 3 and 10 of the Neighbourhood Plan

    Books and written reference material:


    The Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire by Sir Henry Chauncy, 1st edition London 1700, 2nd edition Bishop's Stortford 1826, facsimile edition Dorking 1975.


    The History of Hertfordshire by Nathaniel Salmon, London 1728.


    An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Hertfordshire, published by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), 1909.


    The Natural History of the Hitchin Region, edited by R.L. Hine and 7 contributors, published by the Hitchin and District Regional Survey Association, 1934.


    The place names of Hertfordshire, by J.E.B. Gover, A. Mawer and F.M. Stenton, Cambridge University Press, 1938.


    The Preston and Langley Village Scrapbook, created by members of The Preston and Langley Women's Institute, 1953.


    Flora of Hertfordshire, by John G. Dony, published by Hitchin Urban District Council, 1967.


    Hertfordshire, in the Buildings of England series, by Bridget Cherry, Penguin Books 1977.


    The Hertfordshire Landscape, by Lionel M. Munby, Hodder and Stoughton, 1977.


    A Survey of the Ancient Woodlands of Hertfordshire, by Dr. Nigel Agar, Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. (no date given).


    Gardens of a Golden Afternoon: The Story of a Partnership: Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll, by Jane Brown, Penguin Books, 1985.


    The Wild Flower Habitats of Hertfordshire: Past, Present and Future, by Brian Sawford, Castlemead Publications, 1990.


    English Houses, 1200-1800: The Hertfordshire Evidence, by J.T. Smith, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England, 1992.


    The Chilterns, by Leslie W. Hepple and Alison M. Doggett, Phillimore 2001.


    Trees and Woodland in the British Landscape: The complete history of Trees, Woods and Hedgerows, by Dr. Oliver Rackham, Phoenix 2001.


    The Knights Templar in Britain, by Dr. Evelyn Lord, Pearson Education Ltd., 2002.


    A Report on Temple Dinsley, its park and gardens, by Dr. Diana Kingham, Hertfordshire Gardens Trust, 2004.


    Parks in Hertfordshire since 1500, by Dr. Hugh Prince, University of Hertfordshire, 2008.


    Flora of Hertfordshire, by Trevor James, Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 2009.


    A History of Preston in Hertfordshire, by Philip J. Wray, Berforts Information Press, 2015.


    St. Martin's Church, Preston in Hertfordshire, by Philip J. Wray, privately printed, 2015.


    Butterflies of Hertfordshire and Middlesex, by Andrew Wood, Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 2016.



    Maps were produced with the volumes by H. Chauncy, and N. Salmon, as above.


    Dury and Andrews' Map of Hertfordshire: Society and Landscape in the 18thC., by A. Macnair,

    A. Rowe and T. Williamson, Oxbow Books 2016. Included with this book, is a digitised version of the original 1766 map, on a DVD.


    'The County of Hertfordshire from an actual survey', by Arthur Bryant, scale 1 ½'' to 1 mile, 1821, facsimile published by the Hertfordshire Record Society, 2003.


    'Past and Present Map' series: Letchworth, Stevenage, Hitchin and Baldock, including Great Offley, Pirton, Preston, Old Knebworth, Walkern and Weston. 4 maps at 1 : 50,000 scale from Ordnance Survey maps of 1834, 1896, 1919/1920, and 1974/2006, published by Cassini Publishing Ltd., 2006.

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