Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031 - February 2019

Ended on the 25 April 2019

G. Preston Parish Project List

    G.1 Other points and ideas raised through the Neighbourhood Plan Survey and during the Regulation 14 Consultation have been incorporated into a Project List. These ideas fall outside of the remit of the Neighbourhood Plan but may be taken forward by interested parties and some may be guided by the Parish Council.

    Project List





    HGV Ban

    The Parish Council last investigated this in November 2015. They were told that Preston wasn't covered by the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan under which weight limits are covered. The Clerk was informed that it would be difficult to justify the implementation of a weight restriction in Preston because the majority of the HGVs have genuine business and would not be prosecuted under a weight limit prohibition. During the previous 12 years the police had not received any HGV related complaints at Preston. Preston Parish Council to review this every 5 years and decide whether it is appropriate to further investigate this issue. Next review: 2020

    Every 5 years

    Preston Parish Council

    New Conservation Area

    Investigation into the possibility of an additional Conservation Area to be designated to include all the Listed Buildings near Ladygrove Farm, including woodlands.

    The current Conservation Area was studied prior to its establishment in 1980. These studies were conducted to evaluate and describe:

    • Buildings of local interest, including listed buildings and previously listed Grade III buildings
    • Statutory listed walls, gates & railings
    • Recent buildings, post 1939
    • Important building line
    • Trees of high, medium and low amenity value
    • Areas of high landscape & townscape value
    • Important pedestrian ways
    • Important views
    • Focal points

    Timescale identified by group taking on project

    Interested groups, possibly Preston Trust, should contact Preston Parish Council with their plan. The Parish Council to decide who best to carry out the investigation.

    Conservation Area Appraisal

    The production of a Conservation Area Appraisal document which sets out what it is in the Conservation Area which should be preserved or enhanced to maintain the character and appearance of the area. Work previously completed may be used as a starting point into this investigation.

    By 2020

    Preston Parish Council in conjunction with the NHDC Conservation Officer.

    Project List





    Planning Guidance

    Consideration to be given to a Supplementary Planning Guidance to cover two specific areas:

    1. 'The Location and Design of Small Residential Developments'
    2. 'Historic Buildings: Repairs, Alterations and Extensions'

    Such guidance would encourage a high standard of design appropriate to the character of Preston.

    There may be an overlap with the Conservation Area Appraisal that presents opportunities to re-use or share work.

    Timescale identified by group taking on project

    Interested groups, possibly Preston Trust, should contact Preston Parish Council with their plan. The Parish Council to decide who best to carry out this guidance.

    Identify projects to improve infrastructure Section 106

    Identify projects for infrastructure improvements throughout the parish that could be achieved as a result of Section 106 monies resulting from developments, ensuring that they meet the criteria agreed between NHDC, the developer and the Parish Council.


    Preston Parish Council in conjunction with NHDC.

    Community projects Section 106

    Identify projects that could be proposed to improve facilities that would serve and benefit the community using Section 106 monies, ensuring that they meet the criteria agreed between NHDC, the developer and the Parish Council.


    Preston Parish Council in conjunction with NHDC.

    Community Projects General

    Investigate general projects (future and identified in the Neighbourhood Plan consultations) that could improve facilities to serve and benefit the community - see village shop and village hall below.

    As opportunity arises

    Preston Parish Council and/or interested groups who wish to pursue initiatives.

    Village Shop

    Many residents have highlighted the need for a village shop. Any individual or group wishing to provide one should develop a business plan to ensure that it is a viable project.

    As the need arises

    Interested groups who wish to pursue this initiative.

    Project List





    Village Hall

    Many residents have highlighted the need for a new, larger village hall. Any individual or group wishing to investigate the feasibility of this should contact the Parish Council with a detailed business plan. The Parish Council are custodians of the Village Hall which is owned by the Seebohm Trust, a registered charity which ensures that the Village Hall is maintained for use by the residents of Preston.

    At an appropriate time for the interested groups.

    Interested groups who wish to investigate this should present a viable business plan to the Parish Council.

    Undesignated Heritage Assets

    A list of Undesignated Heritage Assets is in Appendix C.3, page 89. There is an opportunity for an interested group of residents to compile the details with photographs of these assets for future reference.

    At an appropriate time for the interested groups.

    Interested groups who wish to pursue this initiative.

    For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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