Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031

Ended on the 25 June 2024



5.1.1 The Plan will be delivered and implemented by a variety of stakeholders over a 7-year period to March 2031, providing a direction for change through its vision and objectives.

5.1.2 The statutory planning process will direct and control private development in the context of the wider NHLP, the National Planning Policy Framework and this Plan. The policies in this Plan will guide development in Barkway and Nuthampstead parishes and protect those assets and environments most appreciated by the community.

5.1.3 Most of the policies contained in the Plan will be delivered by landowners and developers responding to its proposals for encouraging and managing sustainable development. In preparing the Plan, care has been taken to ensure, as far as possible, that these proposals are achievable.

5.1.4 Whilst NHC, as the local planning authority, will be responsible for development management and enforcement, the Parish Council will also use this Plan to frame its representations on submitted planning applications. The Parish Council will expect to work with developers and NHC in providing advice and guidance to ensure the policy details are understood, incorporated into development proposals and ultimately delivered to the required standard.

5.1.5 The policies may be amended at intervals to remain in line with future revisions of the Local Plan. Flexibility will also be needed as new challenges and opportunities arise over the plan period. Any such review or update will be carried out in accordance with the process and procedures in place at that time.


5.2.1 Progress towards meeting the minimum housing requirement will be monitored by NHC as part of its Annual Monitoring Report and the Parish Council will work with it to ensure sufficient sites are coming forward.

5.2.2 A member of Barkway Parish Council and the Nuthampstead Parish Meeting team will be nominated to be responsible for reporting progress against the Plan at Parish Council meetings on an 'as needed' basis, but not less than annually.


5.3.1 It is anticipated (although there is no guarantee) that the Parish Council will continue to receive payments from NHC based on the level of completed building activity. Currently this is quantified and delivered through s106 agreements. Through preparation of this Plan and other initiatives such as the Parish Plan 2010 and the Traffic Working Party, a number of priorities have been identified and adopted by the Parish Council to improve the lives of people living and working in the parish. These are listed in - Appendix O Action Plan.

5.3.2 Barkway Parish Council and the Nuthampstead Parish Meeting team will request these priorities be reflected in s106 agreements, where appropriate, and will also direct funding received from any future Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and other funding streams towards projects which fall within these priorities as and when opportunities arise.

5.3.3 These are the priorities identified:

  • Traffic calming measures, particularly on the B1368 and in the hamlets (see Appendix O– Action Plan);
  • Provision of off-road parking (see Appendix O – Action Plan);
  • Improvement and maintenance of public rights of way e.g. footpaths and bridleways throughout the parishes (see Appendix O – Action Plan);
  • Introduction of no-parking areas in sections of the village where road visibility is poor or where parking detracts from the beauty of the surroundings;
  • Provision of support for residents who are elderly or disabled by improving local facilities and increasing the number of local events;
  • Setting up extra age-group appropriate activities;
  • Investment in assets owned by the Parish Council such as the recreation area.

5.3.4 Fulfilment of these priorities is dependent on s106 agreements or an equivalent revenue stream e.g. a CIL.

Policy BN I1 Spending Priorities

Spending priorities have been identified by the community, through the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan, to improve the lives of people living and working in the Parish. More details of the projects, their relative priorities, and any maintenance requirements are set out above and in Appendix O and on the Neighbourhood Plan page of the Parish Council website.

The Parish Council will request that these priorities are reflected in section 106 agreements, where appropriate, and will direct funding received from any New Homes Bonus, Community Infrastructure Levy or other funding streams, towards projects which fall within these priorities.

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