Codicote Neighbourhood Plan 2024 - 2031 Submission
1 Introduction View responses
1.1 The Role of a Neighbourhood Plan
1.1.1 The Neighbourhood Planning initiative was introduced by central government via the Localism Act of 2011 which took effect from April 2012. It set out the provision for communities to produce plans that have statutory weight.
1.1.2 A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led planning framework which can help to deliver sustainable development by influencing planning decisions. They can also help to promote regeneration and conservation of their area. A Neighbourhood Plan is about the use and development of land and contains a vision, objectives, planning policies, proposals for improving the area or providing new facilities, or allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development. It also deals with a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues.
1.1.3 Paragraph 30 of the National Planning Policy Framework (December) 2023 states that a Neighbourhood Plan should be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in any development plans that cover the Neighbourhood area and have regard to national policy and advice. Following a successful Examination and Referendum, a Neighbourhood Plan will be brought into force or 'made'. Once a neighbourhood plan has been brought into force, the policies it contains take precedence over existing non-strategic policies in a local plan covering the neighbourhood area, where they are in conflict; unless they are superseded by strategic or non-strategic policies that are adopted subsequently.
1.1.4 The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan period covers 2024-2031. The start date represents the year the Plan was submitted to NHDC. The end date ties up with the end date of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan which was the current version whilst this Neighbourhood Plan was being prepared.
1.2 Legislation
1.2.1 While reflecting the aspirations of local communities, Neighbourhood Plans must comply with other local, national and European policies, as required in the Localism Act. Specifically, a Neighbourhood Plan must meet four criteria, named "Basic Conditions" and set out in paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act (1990), as referred to by Section 38A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004):
- The Plan must have appropriate regard to national policies and advice contained in the NPPF;
- The Plan must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development;
- The Plan must be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the local planning authority, in this case North Hertfordshire Local Plan; and
- The Plan must abide by the relevant EU regulations (or UK equivalents).
1.2.2 A separate document has been prepared to demonstrate how the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions. The Basic Conditions Statement and the Consultation Statement which accompanies the Neighbourhood Plan are available on Codicote Parish Council's website.
1.2.3 The provisional Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening determination from North Herts District Council (NHDC) concluded that there were unlikely to be any significant environmental effects from implementing the Neighbourhood Plan.
1.3 The Qualifying Body
1.3.1 The Neighbourhood Plan was prepared by the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, on behalf of Codicote Parish Council. The Steering Group and its predecessor the Neighbourhood Plan Forum, have thoroughly researched topics of interest and issues raised by the community in consultation with residents and other local stakeholders.
1.3.2 The Qualifying Body for the preparation and submission of the Neighbourhood Plan is Codicote Parish Council. The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated by NHDC Cabinet on 24 June 2014. The letter from Codicote Parish Council requesting the area designation, a map of the area and the representations following NHDC consultation on the proposed area designation can be found on a dedicated page on NHDC's website. The map is reproduced below.
Figure 1: The Neighbourhood Plan Area
1.4 The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan
1.4.1 The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan (referred to as the Neighbourhood Plan) will, once 'made', be part of the statutory Development Plan which is formed of North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted on 8 November 2022), the Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Minerals and Waste Local Plans, and any 'made' Neighbourhood Plans. These current planning documents can be found on NHDC website and HCC website The Neighbourhood Plan will guide the direction of future development in the Designated Area up to 2031, in accordance with the end date of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.
1.4.2 The Neighbourhood Plan is in accordance with the North Hertfordshire Local Plan and has been prepared with regard to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) December 2023.
1.4.3 To contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, the Neighbourhood Plan considers all aspects of sustainable development, environmental, social and economic. From an environmental perspective, sustainability is mentioned in relation to water resources, drainage and sustaining and enhancing the historic environment. Sustainable construction methods are encouraged, as are Sustainable urban Drainage Schemes. Sustainable and active transport is a theme of the Neighbourhood Plan which will help to reduce congestion in Codicote High Street. The Neighbourhood Plan also supports business expansion in sustainable locations.
1.4.4 In creating this Neighbourhood Plan, the policies are intended to ensure sustainable enhancement of the overall quality of life in the Parish; and to improve the health, wellbeing and social cohesion of the community, now and in the future. These policies are underpinned by the need to protect the Parish's character, including its natural and historic environments.
1.4.5 The Plan sets out the aims and policy objectives in relation to key themes/issues and explains the reasoning behind them. It is recognised that partnership working is vital, and that to ensure achievement of the objectives it will be essential to work positively and collaboratively with other stakeholders as well as Codicote's residents and businesses.
1.5 Process of Preparing the Plan
1.5.1 The Neighbourhood Plan process began with the request for area designation in 2014. There was then a process of engagement and drafting that resulted in a 1st Draft Codicote Neighbourhood Plan, detailed below. The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was established in 2022 and embarked on a review of the draft Plan, with further public consultation which is detailed in the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement.
1.5.2 Following the designation of the Neighbourhood Plan area, work began actively in 2016. In October that year all households within the parish were leafleted with a request for volunteers to assist in preparation of the plan. The first Neighbourhood Forum was held on 22 November 2016 with some 45 residents in attendance. By mutual agreement the volunteers formed a Steering Committee, to provide overall guidance and management, and thirteen working groups, each tasked with addressing a specific aspect of the Neighbourhood Plan.
1.5.3 Each working group was tasked with identifying a portrait of the parish and the possible ways (both positive and negative) in which this could be affected by development. The output from these working groups was presented at Neighbourhood Plan Open Days where the residents were encouraged to voice and record their views.
1.5.4 In parallel with these working group activities, the NP Forum steering committee produced a Codicote NP Forum Survey that was delivered during February 2017 to every dwelling within the parish, as well as being available to view and complete online. This asked for responses to questions relevant to the evidence needed to support the Neighbourhood Plan. The questions were impartial and provided the opportunity for each resident to register their views as to how development could affect the parish.
1.5.5 Two Neighbourhood Plan Open Days were held on 24 and 25 February 2017. It was an interactive activity. The work of each group was presented using photographs, maps and supporting text. Residents were able to record their views and comments using 'post it notes'.
1.5.6 Data from both the NP Survey and the NP Open Days were separately collated and analysed during the summer months of 2017. The data gathered from the Survey and Open Days, plus the subsequent analysis are identified the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement, which is available to view on Codicote Parish Council website.
1.5.7 The Steering Committee organised smaller groups to work on identified Key Topics: traffic congestion and parking, sustainable and active transport, infrastructure, amenities, environment and wildlife, heritage and tourism, and design.
1.5.8 Where appropriate these have been used to structure the information presented in this Neighbourhood Plan, including collation of the objectives leading on to Policy identification.
1.5.9 A new working group of parish councillors and residents called the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering group (CNPSG) was established in 2022. Together with planning consultant Jacqueline Veater, the group embarked on reviewing the draft NP, and subsequently revised and tested NP objectives and policies, through further public and statutory consultation. The detailed review process can be followed in the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement.
Community Engagement Summary
1.5.10 In April/May 2023 a revised rationalised vision and list of 18 objectives, along with a draft version of 18 policies, was subject to consultation with the community. Simple survey forms along with multiple sets of attractive display boards were devised to gather views on the draft vision, objectives and policies. The well-advertised and accessible survey was supplemented with an interactive session at the local primary school and a public open day on 29 April 2023. Photographs and maps were used to aid understanding of how the policies would help to achieve the objectives.
1.5.11 Following this public consultation exercise, which was extended into June 2023, a comprehensive draft Neighbourhood Plan with policies, supporting text and appendices was produced.
1.6 Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan
1.6.1 The Regulation 14 Draft Codicote Neighbourhood Plan was the subject of a seven week consultation which ran from 7 February to 27 March 2024. Every household in the Neighbourhood Plan Area received a Consultation Summary containing the Policies Map, all the proposed policies and a response form. Responses were received either in paper form, via email, or through Survey Monkey. Comments received via Facebook were also considered.
1.6.2 To ensure that all queries were answered, an open event was held on 9 March 2024 which was attended by at least 34 individuals. The Chair of the Parish Council also made himself available on the telephone to help anyone that needed it. Printed copies of the Neighbourhood Plan were made available on request.
1.6.3 The response to the consultation was positive and helpful. A total of 287 comments were assessed. These were received from 12 statutory consultees and 40 residents. 103 residents responded but many did not provide specific comments or simply supported the Neighbourhood Plan. These comments combined resulted in over 150 changes to improve the Neighbourhood Plan. The full report of the consultation can be found in the Consultation Statement.