Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031

[estimated] Ended on the 9 June 2021

Appendix F Abbreviations and Glossary


ACV Assets of Community Value

DEFRA Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs

CIL Community Infrastructure Levy

dph Dwellings per Hectare

HCC Hertfordshire County Council

HQM Home Quality Mark

KNP Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan

KNPSC Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee

KPC Knebworth Parish Council

LGS Local Green Space

NHDC North Hertfordshire District Council

NPPF National Planning Policy Framework

SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest

SuDS Sustainable Urban Drainage System


2011 Census - The results of the national statistical survey carried out in 2011.

Action Plan – A set of instructions to follow in order to solve a problem and to achieve an or objective that is desirable for improvements that do not fall within the planning remit.

AECOM - International consultancy company provided through Locality, see below.

Affordable Housing - Housing made available, based on the evidence of need, to people who are unable to afford housing at market prices, including Social Housing available to rent.

Ancient Woodland - Woodland known to have existed continuously since at least 1600.

Assets of Community Value - A right for Communities to nominate certain local and public or privately-owned buildings or land as an Asset of Community Value.

Biodiversity - The numbers of different species as well as their genetic diversity within a particular habitat or ecosystem as well as their interactions and interdependencies.

Brownfield Site - Land that has been previously developed.

Character Area – Area of distinctive historic and aesthetic value.

Community Facility – An essential and indispensable local feature such as a public building, service, utility, place or green space that contributes a welcome comfort, convenience or enjoyment in a neighbourhood.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Is a planning charge used as a tool by local authorities to help deliver infrastructure to support development in their area.

Conservation Area - An area designated under Section 69 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as being of 'special architectural or historical interest', the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve and enhance.

Construction Management Plan - A plan detailing how construction will be managed in order to ensure the effects of construction on residents and businesses are kept to a minimum.

Co-working - Offices generally ideal for start-up businesses and entrepreneurs looking for a better alternative to working from home. See also Shared Workspaces.

Designated Heritage Asset - World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area designated under the relevant legislation.

Developer Contributions (or S106 Contributions) - Contributions required under a Section 106 agreement or planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) from developers for works and services directly related to the development and focused on site-specific mitigation of the impact of development.

Development Plan - Statutory Plans, including Local or District Plans and Neighbourhood Development Plans which are used to determine planning applications.

Ecosystem - A complex system of habitats and environments that are interrelated. Including organic life; flora, fauna, fungi, as well as the inorganic materials; rocks, pebbles and minerals.

Environmental Pollution – Pollution of waterways and ground water, soil, air, noise and artificial light.

Evidence Base -The information, comment and needs discovered by the Steering Group following various consultations with the parish community, enquiries made of interested parties and stakeholders and a determination of those issues and impacts which will have a bearing and consequence on Knebworth and the life of the community, over the next 15 years.

Examiner - An independent expert, sanctioned by Locality, who will be appointed by NHDC to examine the Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan submitted by KPC/KNPSG to ensure that it meets the "Basic Conditions" set by law for a Neighbourhood Plan. If the plan meets the Basic Conditions, with or without modifications, the Examiner will recommend to the NHDC that it proceeds to referendum.

Flood Plain - An area of land liable to flood from a watercourse, defined by the Environment Agency.

Garden City - A Garden City is a holistically planned new settlement that enhances the natural environment and offers high-quality affordable housing and locally accessible work in beautiful, healthy and sociable communities.

Garden Village - Developments which, to varying degrees, aspire to the principles of Garden Cities, albeit at a smaller scale.

Green Corridor - A wildlife corridor, habitat corridor, or green corridor is an area of habitat connecting wildlife populations separated by human activities or structures (such as roads, development or logging).

Green Infrastructure - A network of green spaces and other features, such as parks, open spaces, woodlands, playing fields, allotments and gardens providing a range of quality-of-life benefits for the local community.

Greenhouse Gases - any gas that has the property of absorbing infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapour are the most significant greenhouse gases.

Grey Water - Gently used household wastewater that can be reused for some purposes without purification.

Habitat - Specific conditions or environments required for an organism to thrive. Dormice require deciduous woodland, hedgerows and scrub and for these to be connected rather than isolated.

Habitat Fragmentation - When a specific habitat is altered in some way so that it becomes two smaller habitats. Wildlife within each smaller habitat may have insufficient genetic variety to thrive, particularly if they are unable to reach other parts of the original habitat.

Hedgehog Highways – Allow hedgehogs to roam through back gardens to find food and nest sites. This may be as simple as leaving gaps below fences, which other creatures can also use.

'high street' - Local term in Knebworth for that section of London Road with shops.

Home Quality Mark - The Home Quality Mark (HQM) is a national standard for new homes, which uses a simple 5-star rating to provide impartial information from independent experts on a new home's design, construction quality and running costs. HQM will also show the impact of the home on the occupant's health and wellbeing.

House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) – A single dwelling rented by at least three people, not from the same household, operating under licence from the local council.

Housing Associations - Independent, not-for-profit organisations that work with councils to offer flats and houses to local people on the Housing Register.

Infrastructure - Basic services necessary for development to take place, for example roads, electricity, internet provision, sewerage, water, education and health facilities.

Lifetime homes - Ordinary homes designed to incorporate design criteria that can be universally applied to new homes at minimal cost. Adding to the comfort and convenience of the home and supporting the changing needs of individuals and families at different stages of life

Listed Buildings - Any building or structure which is included in the list of 'buildings of special architectural or historic interest' as defined in the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. They are Designated Heritage Assets.

Local Green Space - Is where the green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves; where the green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife.

Local Plan - The NHDCLP covering amongst other issues, development and infrastructure in North Hertfordshire.

Local Referendum - A vote for electors in the Neighbourhood Area to accept or reject the Neighbourhood Plan.

Local Wildlife Site – Wildlife-rich sites selected for their local nature conservation value containing important, distinctive and threatened habitats and species. A principal wildlife resource but non-statutory designation. Their only protection is through the planning system.

Locality - The body established by Her Majesty's Government which, in addition to other

duties, monitors and provides advice and support/funding to enable the creation of

Neighbourhood Plans for local communities in England & Wales.

Made - Term used for a Neighbourhood Plan, having been approved at referendum and adopted by the Local Authority. It is then an integral and legally binding part of the Local Plan.

Masterplanning - Making the connection between buildings, social settings and their surrounding environments. A master plan includes analysis, recommendations and proposals for a site's population, economy, housing, transportation, community facilities and land use.

Mitigation - Measures taken to lessen the force or intensity of the effects of a development.

Modular Building - a construction method that involves constructing sections away from the building site. Buildings or houses that consist of repeated sections called modules.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) - Sets out national policy and how this is expected to be applied.

Neighbourhood Development Plan - See Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plan - An element of the Localism Act 2011 through which local communities can influence and sometimes control development and growth in their Designated Area.

Neighbourhood Plan Designated Area - The area within which the effect of a Neighbourhood Development Plan is deemed to be in operation.

Non-designated Heritage Assets - Buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified by plan-making bodies as having a degree of heritage significance meriting consideration in planning decisions but which do not meet the criteria for listing.

NOx – Nitrogen Oxides which contribute to air pollution and formation of e.g. acid rain or smog

Objective - An aim or a goal to assist in achieving the overall vision for the area.

Open Space - All open space of public value including land, river, canals, and lakes.

Parish - The area covered by the Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan as submitted to NHDC.

Picton houses - Distinctive style of house built by a company of local builders based, at that time (circa 1920-1940), in London Road, Knebworth. Proprietors William Picton and Benjamin Percival Picton.

Place Making - Theprocess through which we work together to shape our public spacesand involves the planning, design, management and programming of shared use spaces.

Pre-submission - See Regulation 14 Consultation.

Preferred Options - NHDC Consultation in late 2014 which sought the views on their preferred options for future development in North Herts.

Property Flood Resilience (PFR) or Property Level Protection (PLP) – An Environment Agency programme to protect properties at risk from or that have previously been flooded from fluvial and surface water flooding.

Qualifying Body - A Parish or Town Council which is responsible for producing a Neighbourhood Plan in its parish or town.

Regulation 14 Consultation - The statutory consultation conducted by the Qualifying Body (here KPC) to the Neighbourhood Plan being submitted to the NHDC.

Regulation 15 Submission - Where a qualifying body (here KPC) submits a plan proposal to the local planning authority (NHDC), it must include a map or statement which identifies the area to which the proposed neighbourhood development plan relates; a consultation statement; the proposed neighbourhood development plan; and a statement explaining how the proposed neighbourhood development plan meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Act, the Basic Conditions.

Saved Policies - The policies which are currently applicable to housing and development in North Hertfordshire in the absence of a new Local Plan which is being drafted by NHDC.

Shared Space - A design approach that aims to reduce the dominance of vehicles by reducing or removing traffic signs, road markings and in some cases kerbs, resulting in 'level surfaces'

Shared Workspace – An office shared with other businesses. See also Co-working spaces.

Sheltered Accommodation - Purpose built or converted housing exclusively for sale to elderly people; self-contained accommodation with communal facilities and warden.

Significant Development - A development of a scale sufficient to trigger the requirement for a Transport Assessment in accordance with Roads in Hertfordshire: Highways Design Guide 3 Edition e.g. residential development in excess of 80 units.

Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens - English architect noted for his versatility and range of invention along traditional lines and who was the consulting architect for a development plan for Knebworth Garden Village in 1910.

Soil Structure - the way in which soil particles - sand, silt, clay as well as organic and inorganic matter - are arranged.

Strategic Environmental Assessment – Considers the environmental effects of a plan.

Strategic Policies - Those Saved Policies and future policies forming the NHDCLP with which the Neighbourhood Plan must be in general conformity.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - a technical assessment to identify potential new land suitable, accessible and available for housing, to meet e.g. NHDC's required housing needs, as part of the evidence base for e.g. NHDCLP.

Sustainable Development - Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Tenure blind - Houses for sale and houses built for the council to let are purposefully made similar in design so as to mask the tenures.

The Plan - See Neighbourhood Plan.

Vernacular - A local style of architecture for homes and domestic buildings

View - A pleasing sight seen from a particular place

Vision - Description of how the community would like their area to be in the future.

Wildlife Corridor - These are links between similar habitats (possibly those that have been fragmented), that allow wildlife to move between the habitats. New corridors take account of the wildlife's current territories to provide continuity of movement.

Zero Carbon or Carbon Neutral (for new homes) – Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 'balancing' a measured amount of carbon released with an amount of carbon offset. This assumes that new development can be designed to take CO2 out of the carbon cycle.

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