Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031

[estimated] Ended on the 9 June 2021
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11 Policies – Implementation

11.1 Introduction

The Neighbourhood Plan will primarily be implemented through the determination of planning applications by NHDC. The Neighbourhood Plan policies will provide a local focus to ensure decisions benefit the local community and will protect those assets most appreciated by residents. Major developments and associated infrastructure will be achieved principally through agreements between the local planning authority, developers and infrastructure providers.

The Neighbourhood Plan policies may be amended at intervals in order to remain in line with the Local Plan and any such review will be carried out by Knebworth Parish Council in accordance with the process and procedures in place at that time.

(2) 11.2 Policy KBI1 Spending Priorities

KBI1 Spending Priorities

Spending priorities will be delivered through S106 agreements, the Community Infrastructure Levy (if set by North Herts Council) or other funding streams, in accordance with the priorities set out in this plan. Funding derived from development in Knebworth should directly benefit Knebworth residents. The list of projects identified in the Action Plan (Appendix E ) will be reviewed twice a year by Knebworth Parish Council.

A number of non-land use proposals have been put forward during the various community consultation events and surveys of residents. These have been worked up into potential projects in consultation with Knebworth Parish Council and have been included in the Action Plan in Appendix E . These projects/tasks will require prioritising by the Parish Council, and where necessary, funding sources assigned.

Funding mechanisms will vary for each project and may be from both public and private funding sources. The Action Plan should be taken into account by developers when submitting planning applications for development in Knebworth Parish and by the NHDC and HCC when negotiating Section 106 Agreements. Funding from development in Knebworth should directly benefit Knebworth residents. Discussions are ongoing with HCC and NHDC on how this can be achieved.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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