Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Submission

Ended on the 15 April 2021


Foreword from the Chair of Ashwell Parish Council

The Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan ('the ANP') has been produced to make Ashwell a great place to live, now and for future generations. It covers the whole area of the Parish for the period to 2031.

The Localism Act, which came into being in November 2011, devolved greater powers to councils and neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood Plans came out of the Government's determination to ensure that local communities are closely involved in the decisions that affect them, hence the theme adopted for the ANP: Our Parish - Our Future - Our Say.

The ANP has been produced by a Working Group, acting on behalf of the Parish Council, incorporating the views of the residents of the Parish of Ashwell. This Working Group has consulted and listened to the community on a wide range of issues that will influence the wellbeing, sustainability and long-term preservation of our small rural community. Every effort has been made to make sure that the views and policies contained in the ANP reflect those of the majority of the residents of the Parish.

I am grateful, and wish to extend my sincere thanks, to the members of this Working Group who have worked tremendously hard over the past six years as well as others who have played a part in the development and production of the ANP:

Graham Lee (Group Leader), Norton Mahy (Deputy Leader), David Short, Madeleine Legg, Margaret Budgen, Ken Coyne, Will Fletcher, John Hare, Paul Harrison, Mel Hodson, John Humphries, Dave Linsley and Marcia Taylor. Also Greg Campbell, Dan Mathews, Jill Powell and Phillida Shaw all of whom, for a variety of reasons, could participate in only part of the project.

The members of the sub-groups were as follows:

  • Spatial Strategy and Housing: Graham Lee, John Hare, Paul Harrison, Dave Linsley, and Marcia Taylor.
  • Design and Heritage: David Short, Fergus Moynihan and Adrian Mallett.
  • Natural Environment: Will Fletcher.
  • Business and Economy: Graham Lee, Madeleine Legg, Greg Campbell.
  • Sport, Leisure and Recreation: Mel Hodson, Michael Baldwin, Louise Bruning, Hugh Carling, Tim Moynihan, Ed Strickland.
  • Health: Margaret Budgen, Madeleine Legg, Marcia Taylor.
  • Education: Paul Harrison, David Short.
  • Transport and Movement: Ken Coyne.

Thanks for the photos of our beautiful village must go to many people, including Roger Pritchard, David Short, Margaret Budgen, Peter John Gates and David Sims.

David Grech, who has read the text and commented upon it, has also made a valuable contribution.

There are others within the Ashwell community who should also be thanked but are too numerous to mention. Thank you for your participation in all our surveys and also in our consultations.

By consulting with North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) and other key stakeholders, we have ensured that the ANP conforms to the objectives of the Localism Act 2011.

Once the ANP has been made, following a favourable local referendum, it will sit alongside the NHDC Local Plan. Both of these will be used when deciding where development should take place and the type and quality of that development.

Graham Lee

Chair, Ashwell Parish Council,

January 2021

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