Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Submission
Ended on the 15 April 2021
16 Evidence based documents
16.1 All background evidence can be found as follows:
- Background material
- How the ANP fits into the Planning System: see file SUPP_How the Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan fits into the Planning System.pdf.
- The Submitting Body: see file SUPP_Ashwell parish area Neighbourhood Plan application 18 Dec 13.pdf.
- The Area covered by the ANP i.e. the 'Neighbourhood': see Figure 1.1 of this document.
- ANP Period, Monitoring and Review: see paragraphs 1.1 to 1.3 and section 13 of this document.
- ANP Development Process
- The Development of the ANP: refer to the Consultation Statement.
- Aims and Objectives: see file SUPP_NP Vision Aug 2015.pdf.
- Ashwell Village Design Statement 2000, as amended in 2018: refer to Appendix E of this document.
- Gathering the Evidence Base: refer to the Consultation Statement.
- About the 'Neighbourhood'
- Ashwell Parish characteristics: refer to Appendix A of this document.
- Landscape Character Assessment see file: SUPP_CG16a NHerts Landscape Study 2011 - Part 2.pdf, paragraphs 146 to 151c.
- Previous surveys, plans and appraisals
- Ashwell Village Appraisal 1976, see file: SUPP_Ashwell_appraisal_1976.pdf
- North Hertfordshire Rural Settlements Study 1986: Ashwell Village Extract, North Hertfordshire District Council, 1986 (Parish Council can supply if required)
- Ashwell Village Appraisal 1994/5 Ashwell Parish Council, 1995 (Parish Council can supply if required)
- Ashwell Village Design Statement, Ashwell Parish Council, 2000, see file SUPP_AshwellVillageDesignStatement2000.pdf, or via this link
- Ashwell Parish Plan Ashwell Parish Council, 2007, see file SUPP_AshwellParishPlan2007.pdf
- Housing Survey 2015, refer to the Consultation Statement for further details regarding:
- Questionnaire
- Results and analysis
- Free text responses
- General Survey 2017, refer to the Consultation Statement for further details regarding:
- Questionnaire
- Results and analysis
- Free text responses
- Business Survey 2016, refer to the Consultation Statement for further details regarding:
- Questionnaire
- Results
Other evidence documents
16.2 In addition to the appendices of the ANP and materials on the Parish website listed above, the following documents and resources have been drawn on as part of the development of the ANP.
- Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) (27/12)
- Building for a Healthy Life, 2020 (27/12)
- Census, 2011 (27/12)
- Climate Change Act 2008 (27/12)
- Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), NHDC, 2011 (27/12)
- Heritage at Risk Register, Historic England (27/12)
- 'Housing our Ageing Population', Local Government Association, 2017 (27/12)
- Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) standards, 2011 (27/12)
- NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011 to 2031 (27/12)
- Localism Act 2011 (27/12)
- National Character Area profiles: data for local decision making, Natural England, 2014 (27/12)
- National Planning Policy Framework, amended 2019 (27/12)
- Neighbourhood Development Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) (27/12)
- North Hertfordshire District Local Plan No. 2 With Alterations (April 1996) Saved Policies, NHDC (27/12)
- North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Strategy 2019-2031 (27/12)
- Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, 2004 (27/12)
- Town and County Planning Act, 1990 (27/12)
- Secured by Design (27/12)
- Self-build and Custom House Building Act 2015 (27/12)
- 'What more can be done to build the homes we need?' Institute for Public Policy Research report, 2017 (27/12)
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