Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031

Ended on the 24 June 2021


Schedule of Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031



This schedule sets out the further changes that are proposed to be made to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031 (the Local Plan). The Local Plan was submitted for Examination in June 2017.

These changes follow the correspondence between the Inspector and the Council since the close of the first Main Modifications consultation in April 2018 and the further hearing sessions held between November 2020 and February 2021. These are the changes presently considered necessary to make the Plan sound. They are issued without prejudice to the Inspector's consideration of any responses this consultation or any final report on the Local Plan examination.

Text which would be added to the plan as a consequence of modifications is shown in bold. Text which would be removed from the plan as a consequence of these modifications is shown struck through.

Changes included in the original Schedule of proposed Main Modifications (November 2018) are shown in black text with the accompanying 'MM' reference number. These modifications have already been subject to consultation and comments on these are not invited.

The further modifications now arising are shown in red text with a new 'FM' reference number. Only the Further Modifications shown in text text are subject to consultation and any representations should be directed to these proposed changes only.

Changes are shown relative to the version of the Local Plan that was submitted for examination in June 2017 (LP1). Additional text that was proposed to be added to the plan in the November 2018 Main Modifications but which is now not proposed or has been replaced by alternate text through the proposed Further Modifications is not shown.


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