Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031
6.1 Community Involvement
The community wishes to be involved in decisions that affect Pirton. There is no better evidence than the extraordinarily high response to the NP Survey 2015 which forms the backbone of the evidence presented.
The response rate for adults (aged 16 and over) was 76%, the response rate for households 80% and for the NP Youth Survey 2015 (aged 10 to 15 inclusive) was 90% from 80% of households.
The Pirton Community supports the NPPF, Paragraph 66 of which advises that proposals for development which can demonstrate early engagement with the community will be more favourably looked upon than those which fail to engage.
Potential developers of non-dwelling projects, where proposals potentially have an impact on the community, are equally encouraged to consult Pirton Parish Council and the local community at pre-application stage on the detail of their scheme, and if the application is approved, to continue to work closely with Pirton Parish Council and the community throughout the development process.
Where development proposals potentially have an impact on heritage or historical sites, listed buildings, common and amenity land, early engagement with Pirton Parish Council and the local community is essential.
6.2 Monitoring This Plan
The Pirton Neighbourhood Plan Policies will be monitored by Pirton Parish Council.
Every planning application will be monitored for the extent to which applicants apply the Neighbourhood Plan Policies, and every grant of planning permission will be reviewed for adherence to the NP by the NHDC Planning Authority. The PPC will also use information which the Planning Authority gathers on an annual basis e.g. information as to policies used, those not used, and where there has been an appeal to a Planning Inspector, how the Inspector has interpreted and used the relevant Policy (s).