Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Ended on the 23 March 2017


The Community identified four key themes in the August 2014 Community Key Themes Consultation. These were:

Housing and Development;

Environment, Heritage and Wildlife;

Amenities and Facilities;

Transport and Communication.

A golden thread running through all these was a fifth Key Theme which emerged through on-going discussion – Quality of Life.

  • Further exploration of these Themes identified the following issues.
  • Accommodating housing growth in a sensitive way by limiting the size of new development to a maximum of 30 homes per site at any one time in accordance with historic development rates.
  • Ensuring that the design and character of any development is in accordance with the policies in the Plan and the Pirton Character Assessment.
  • Ensuring that development will not be visually dominant or detract from the existing character of the village and if possible enhance the existing character.
  • Having mixed development including new homes for young families, elderly downsizers and affordable/social housing.
  • Protecting important green spaces and wildlife habitats and our centuries of built and archaeological heritage within the village.
  • Protecting strategic views into and out of the village.
  • Maintaining and improving facilities for village residents and the local business community within both the village of Pirton and the Parish of Pirton.
  • Supporting and encouraging the rural economy.
  • output
    Involving the local community on an on-going basis in the process of plan making, monitoring and delivery of sustainable development.

Key Themes consultation

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