Draft Development Contributions SPD - September 2022

Ended on the 16 November 2022
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(1)Appendix A: S106 process flow-chart

Proposal development and early engagement

Development proposal designed in accordance with Council policy and early engagement with Council officers to determine if planning obligations will be required.

For sites of 100 or more homes this process would occur as part of the wider masterplanning process

Pre-application stage

Where planning obligations are required, and a pre-application is submitted to the Council, the Council will consider the impacts of the proposal and provide indicative S106 Heads of Terms to the applicant

Other organizations may run their own pre-application services

Heads of Terms

Discussion and agreement of Heads of Terms between applicant and Council

Planning application stage

Application submitted alongside planning obligations statement and draft Heads of Terms, solicitors contact details and land title information

All obligations will be coordinated by the case officer. Applications will be recommended for refusal if necessary obligations are not agreed


Application validated and public consultation on the application and any revision to Heads of Terms if needed


Heads of Terms included in the report to planning committee and decision made to approve or refuse subject to completion of the S106 agreement.

Positive recommendations will be presented to the Planning Control Committee only following the full agreement of the terms of a S106 Obligation document by all parties (not signed) to avoid unacceptable delays between Committee resolution and completion of a S106 Obligation.

The application will be refused if the legal agreement is not signed within the agreed timescale

Completion of legal agreement

Legal agreement signed and planning permission issued

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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