Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031

Ended on the 5 July 2018

12. Implementation and Monitoring

The Neighbourhood Plan covers the period 2018 to 2031. It provides a direction for change through its vision, objectives and policies, while at the same time protecting the environmental and historic aspects of the parish which are highly valued and appreciated by the community. It is flexible to allow for new challenges and opportunities which may arise over the Plan period.

12.1 The developments that take place during this time will need to take account of the Neighbourhood Plan policies. It is important to ensure this is monitored and that community projects identified through the neighbourhood planning process are achieved.

12.2 Preston Parish Council will work with NHDC to identify and use effectively any section 106 monies available as a result of new development.

12.3 As part of the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan, an Implementation Plan is being developed. This will require the coordinated input of the community and statutory agencies. This can be found in Appendix F on page 94.

12.4 A Project List has been compiled to include items raised by local residents which do not fall within the remit of either the Neighbourhood Plan or the Parish Council. This can be found in Appendix G on page 97.

12.5 Preston Parish Council will lead on and monitor the implementation of the Neighbourhood Plan with a full review every five years to ensure that the policies remain in line with the North Hertfordshire Local Plan and any changes to national legislation.

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