Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031

Ended on the 5 July 2018

5. Objectives of the Plan

5.1 The majority of the community understands the need to accommodate housing growth over the next 13 years and accepts the development target proposed in the emerging NHDC Local Plan 2011- 2031 of 21 units on land off Templars Lane, which is owned by the District Council. It is noted that there were 44 objections to site PR1 in response to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission. Of these, 35 suggested alternative sites within the village or infilling. Only 7 wanted no development in Preston.

5.2 Taking into account 17 completions and permissions since 2011 the parish is estimated to see 38 additional dwellings over the Plan period. Residents feel strongly that new development should not detract from the character of the parish and should provide local benefits. There was no housing allocation for Preston in the 1996 NHDC Local Plan.

Completions and permissions since 2011


Number of dwellings

Ladygrove Mews, Hitchwood Lane




Back Lane


5.3 From the various consultations, a series of objectives were developed to achieve the Aims and deliver the Vision in a sustainable way. The objectives address how to enhance the community, manage change and provide a starting point for the development of policies.

5.4 The objectives have been grouped into the following five themes –
Living in Preston (Quality of Life), Amenities and Facilities, Housing and Development, Environmentand Heritage, Transport and Communication.

Living in Preston (Quality of Life)

Objective Q1: To encourage the provision of opportunities for social interaction through education, cultural, leisure and sport for all members of the community.

Objective Q2: To promote a community quality of life including clean air and water, enjoyment of open spaces, conservation of wildlife and natural resources, security from crime and protection from toxic substances. See paragraph 7.3.

Objective Q3: To prioritise local distinctiveness in every element of change and growth.

Amenities and Facilities

Objective A1: To support all existing amenities, facilities and services available in the parish and new ventures where appropriate for the benefit of the community.

Objective A2: To support existing businesses and promote businesses and employment opportunities on a scale compatible with Preston Parish’s rural character.

Housing and Development

Objective H1: To ensure that any development is sensitively planned and phased over the period of the Plan, protecting and enriching the landscape and built setting.

Objective H2: To ensure the integration of new residents into the village, new developments should link into or enhance paths and rights of way.

Objective H3: To ensure that any development delivers a range of housing to buy or to rent to meet local needs including affordable housing.

Objective H4: To support developments which have a low carbon footprint and are eco-friendly.

Objective H5: To encourage the provision of suitable storage areas for refuse, bicycles and mobility scooters.

Objective H6: To ensure that each property has the benefit of a garden.

Objective H7: To seek to ensure that the impact of new development on sewage, surface water drainage and water pressure is assessed and that infrastructure, services and utilities to existing houses are improved or at least not exacerbated. To also ensure that new developments do not create flood risk and problems with the sewerage system and surface water drainage, while at the same time ensuring that any existing problems are not exacerbated.

Objective H8: To seek to ensure that individual extensions are of an appropriate scale for the site and maintain or enhance village amenities.

Objective H9: To seek to ensure any new housing scheme or infill development is of an appropriate scale and maintains or enhances the character of the village.

Objective H10: To seek to ensure that all development meets the requirements of the relevant Housing and Development Policies contained within this Plan in order to reduce the impact of building construction for local residents, surrounding properties and the narrow lanes and verges within the village.

Environment and Heritage

Objective E1: To protect and enhance the rural character and environment of the parish, its setting and its varied landscapes.

Objective E2: To recognise all merits of the built environment across the parish, and to seek to protect this architectural heritage, especially that of the many Heritage Assets and their settings.

Objective E3: To take special care of the Conservation Areas, ensure that development in a Conservation Area or its setting is of an appropriate scale and maintains or enhances its character, and to raise awareness of the relevant legislation.

Objective E4: To protect and improve ‘greenspace’ e.g. The Green and all verges, within and around the village, to protect and enhance the features of the local environment, its views and vistas and to maintain the current level of tranquillity, so as to maintain and enhance the appearance of this rural settlement.

Objective E5: To maintain and protect good access to the countryside by means of statutory and permissive footpaths and bridleways.

Objective E6: To support the conservation of flora and fauna and to maintain and enhance the different habitats and their distinctive and varied species.

Transport and Communication

Objective T1: To support and encourage sustainable transport, including walking, and cycling.

Objective T2: To support and encourage safe use of roads, paths and bridleways for all users: walkers, joggers, cyclists and horse riders, as well as being safe for motorised vehicles.

Objective T3: To support the development of efficient and effective broadband speed and mobile coverage throughout the parish, while maintaining a good landline service, meeting the domestic, social and business needs of the community.

Objective T4: To support on-going improvements to transport and utility infrastructure.

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