Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version

Ended on the 25 March 2020


This is the draft Neighbourhood Plan for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall, which has been amended following public consultation and submitted to North Hertfordshire District Council. The plan has been produced by a small number of volunteers drawn from community organisations in the town, together with representatives from Bygrave Parish Council and Clothall with Luffenhall Parish Meeting. The group is independent of the District and County Councils, and of any political parties. Further information about the group is available on our website

The Neighbourhood Plan aims to get the best outcome for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall from whatever development takes place in and around the town in the future. It contains policies that anticipate the new North Hertfordshire Local Plan coming into force, and provides additional safeguards and requirements. However, some policies in this document will only be relevant to the extent that the proposals in the new Local Plan are eventually adopted.

The Neighbourhood Plan does not allocate any sites for development. References in this document to sites proposed for development in the new North Hertfordshire Local Plan should not be taken to imply that those proposals are endorsed by the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Planning Group. They are referred to here only on the basis that they are likely to be adopted by the District Council, and that if this happens additional policy safeguards as set out in this Neighbourhood Plan are desirable.

In due course, if it becomes clear that the new North Hertfordshire Local Plan will change significantly in a way which is not currently expected (e.g. by deleting a site), then revisions to this Neighbourhood Plan can be prepared and consulted upon to ensure that it remains up to date.

References to 'the new North Hertfordshire Local Plan' refer to the most recent version at the time of submitting this Neighbourhood Plan: the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031: Proposed Submission (September 2016) incorporating the Proposed Main Modifications (November 2018).

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