Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 25 March 2020


Local Plan Policies

Other relevant Strategies & Guidance

  • SP4: Town Centres, Local Centres and Community Shops
  • SP10: Healthy communities
  • ETC3: New retail, leisure and other main town centre development
  • ETC8: Tourism
  • CGB2b: Community facilities, services and affordable housing in the Rural Area beyond the Green Belt
  • HE4: Archaeology
  • Site-specific policy criteria

  • North Hertfordshire Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy and Action Plan
  • Community Halls Strategy for North Hertfordshire
  • Hertfordshire Country Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions[23]

7.1 Policy context

7.1.1 The NPPF requires us to plan positively for the provision and use of shared spaces, community facilities and other local services to enhance the sustainability of communities and residential environments[24].

7.1.2 The Local Plan recognises that the provision of adequate social infrastructure is essential to the successful delivery of the levels of growth over the plan period. Social infrastructure encompasses a range of facilities, including but not limited to: health services, educational facilities, libraries, arts and cultural facilities, community facilities, and indoor sports and leisure facilities.

7.1.3 Local Plan Policy SP10 Healthy communities states that the Council will work with

  • Hertfordshire County Council as the Local Education Authority, as well as other education providers to ensure sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population. This includes nursery, primary, secondary and sixth-form education along with special needs services and facilities;
  • the NHS Trust and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and other relevant providers to ensure that adequate healthcare facilities are available; and
  • Other providers to deliver appropriate levels of new community, cultural, leisure and built sport and recreational facilities.

7.1.4 Policy ETC8 Tourism sets out that planning permission will be granted where development increases attractiveness of the District as a tourist destination and delivers sustainable tourist and visitor attractions in appropriate locations.

7.1.5 Hertfordshire County Council is responsible for collecting contributions towards a number of the facilities identified in this section. The District Council will be guided by their response(s) in determining measures required to mitigate impacts upon relevant social infrastructure. Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions[25] provides an indication of the scale of requests they are likely to make in response to planning application consultations, along with the associated justification.

7.1.6 Taken together, requests for social infrastructure are normally the largest single 'ask' of applicants on new development schemes. We will have regard to these requests in accordance with the general approach set out in Section 2 of this document. The Council will consider potential for other sources of funding, such as direct funding from Government departments or agencies, when planning new social infrastructure provision.

7.2 Education and early childcare facilities

7.2.1 Planning applications, especially those relating to the largest developments will be expected to contribute to education provision serving the development. This may include serviced land as well as financial contributions. Discussions should be undertaken at an early stage with Hertfordshire County Council to ensure appropriate and well located facilities[26] can be delivered in a timely way. This includes having regard to the Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions[27] to determine the demand for school and nursery places based on forecasted child yield.

7.2.2 Where education mitigation is required, the financial contributions from the development will be based on the proposed education project. In some cases, this may require contributions from smaller-scale developments towards new school provision, which will be based on the costs of new school provision. Where a development site includes new education provision on-site, be it expansion to an existing school or a new school, then serviced land will also be required.

7.2.3 A number of sites in the Local Plan contain policy requirements to provide land for education requirements arising from (planned developments in) the wider area. In these instances, requests for financial contributions towards the construction of built facilities on this land will be proportionate having regard to the likely pupil yield of the individual development(s). The balance of funding to deliver the facilities will be derived from other developments in the area or other sources.

7.3 Youth Provision

7.3.1 Given that youth work provided by YC Hertfordshire is predominantly delivered from locally accessible buildings and tailored to youth projects, developments may be required to contribute to increasing the services and capacity to accommodate the needs of any additional young people brought about through housing development. This is most likely to create a need for additional buildings or enhancing / improving / developing an existing centre or space.

7.4 Health

7.4.1 The largest development sites should make provision for new, on-site healthcare facilities and this will be secured through legal agreements. The East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust deliver hospital services and GP surgeries and other secondary facilities are primarily managed by the East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

7.4.2 Requests for health contributions are normally based upon the following standard formula (correct at the time of writing):

Acute healthcare

£2,214,46 per residential unit

Mental healthcare

£194.46 per residential unit

Community healthcare

£182.03 per residential unit

GP / GMS costs

  • Multiply number of residential units by 2.4 to calculate number of new patients;
  • Divide number of patients by 2000 to determine number of GPs required;
  • Multiply number of GPs required by 199 to determine m2 of additional space required
  • Require m2 of additional space required by £2,964 to calculate build cost including fit out and fees

7.4.3 Providers have identified that many practices still retain extensive paper records at their premises. This is space which could, subject to various considerations, be used to help provide additional patient capacity. Contributions may therefore be sought in future towards the digitising of records and / or offsite storage as a means of releasing additional capacity to meet demands generated by new development. It must however be demonstrated that the space saved can be meaningfully used as additional clinical space and how this new space can be secured through the digitisation project. If internal or external permanent alterations are also required it would be more appropriate for S106 contributions to fund the physical building works rather than the digitisation project itself.

7.4.4 For health contributions of less than £250,000 the Council will not require the NHS to be signatories to planning obligations. For strategic sites and any contributions greater than £250,000 the Council will require the NHS to be direct recipients of any funds from developers at payment stage, either as signatories to associated legal agreements or recipients of funds from unilateral undertakings from developers.

7.5 Indoor sports facilities

7.5.1 In line with Local Plan policy SP10: Healthy communities the Council will support the retention of existing leisure facilities and require appropriate levels of leisure and sport and recreation facilities to be provided in new development. Where replacement facilities are required by Policy HC1: Community facilities, these will be secured by legal agreement and / or Grampian condition upon the site which is to be redeveloped.

7.5.2 New developments will be expected to contribute proportionately towards the provision of additional facilities to meet future demands. The most up to date Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy and Action Plan sets out a series of management and programming actions and this should be used to identify projects for future developer contributions.

7.6 Arts, culture and public realm

7.6.1 Arts and culture contributions may relate to museums, arts or heritage assets. Contributions may also be sought for public realm improvements that improve the attractiveness and character of the District (see Section 3.4).

7.6.2 It is recognised that a number of the proposed allocations in the Local Plan are extensive greenfield sites. These may yield a significant quantity of archaeological material when they are explored in compliance with Policy HE4 of the plan. This is particularly the case in areas of known historic importance such as the land around Baldock.

7.6.3 Contributions may be sought towards new public facilities that allow the preservation and display of archaeological remains, or to deliver improvements to a heritage asset in situ.

7.6.4 The Council will seek contributions towards other public realm and public facilities, including public conveniences, where necessary. This is underpinned by policy D1 Sustainable Design that seeks to create or enhance public realm and design-out opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour.

7.7 Libraries

7.7.1 Library provision can range from large central libraries within towns to community libraries, resource centres providing electronic access to services within multi-use buildings and mobile facilities.

7.7.2 Hertfordshire County Council has a statutory duty to provide a library service and applicants should have regard to Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions [28] to inform the contributions required.

7.8 Community facilities including Town and Village Halls

7.8.1 The Plan's policies seek that appropriate community hall facilities are available and that new facilities are provided where needed as a result of development proposals.

7.8.2 The Council will encourage the development and use of such facilities as multi-functional community centres. These can act as 'hubs', offering a range of facilities to support the creation of sustainable communities.

7.8.3 The most up to date Community Halls Strategy for North Hertfordshire includes an Action Plan that can be used to inform required developer contributions. Further projects may be set out in Neighbourhood Plans, Parish Council strategies or similar. Engagement with the appropriate Parish, Town or Community Councils should be undertaken.

7.8.4 Where new community centres are to be provided within new development, the Council will expect the freehold of the new centre to be transferred to the Council for a nominal fee and for appropriate ongoing management arrangements to be demonstrated.

7.9 Fire and rescue services and community safety

7.9.1 Hertfordshire County Council is the Fire Authority and has a statutory duty to ensure that all developments are provided with adequate water supplies for fire fighting as well as provision is made for emergency response arrangements under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004[29].

7.9.2 Legal agreements will be used to ensure that the developer provides fire hydrants based on one hydrant within 90 metres of each property.

7.9.3 The provision of adequate water supplies for firefighting purposes e.g. suitable and sufficient water mains and hydrants should be determined at the same time as the water services are planned in detail. This is usually following planning consent.

7.9.4 The ability for large-scale developments to be adequately served by fire and rescue services will be assessed on an individual basis. Any impacts will need to be addressed through planning conditions and/ or obligations. This may be through the provision a new fire station or an extension to an existing facility.

7.9.5 Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Service on behalf of the Fire Authority would always recommend consideration for the placement of sprinkler systems in all buildings and new developments to form part of an integrated fire safety provision.

7.9.6 In line with Local Plan Policy D1 Sustainable Design applicants, should demonstrate that opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour have been designed-out. Hertfordshire Constabulary will be consulted on planning applications where it is considered that there may be an impact in terms of community safety.

7.9.7 Where it is expected that the proposed development will generate a need for extra policing, resources and extensions to or new police buildings, this will be sought through legal agreements.

7.9.8 Contributions towards CCTV will be sought on a case by case basis where needed to cover the cost of equipment, installation, maintenance and running costs.

7.10 Information Technology

7.10.1 Internet and mobile coverage across the District is generally quite good, though there are pockets where this is not the case, particularly in more rural areas.

7.10.2 Most large new developments should be able to plan-in the provision of high quality (superfast) communication infrastructure in consultation with providers. Early engagement is recommended. This avoids the need to retrofit cabling or other required facilities in recently completed schemes. It also increases the saleability of new properties. Where appropriate, we will secure the provision of high-speed connectivity with new development, normally by condition.

7.10.3 Hertfordshire County Council have a programme to deliver connectivity to harder to reach areas[30]. Where development is proposed in an area that currently has a lower quality of coverage, the Council may additionally seek contributions towards wider projects aimed at boosting high-speed communications coverage. This will help to ensure that North Hertfordshire residents have the best possible access.

7.10.4 This approach supports the rise in homeworking and the need to manage private vehicle use in accordance with local and county transport policy.

[23] Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions,

[24] NPPF Paragraph 92

[25] Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions,

[26] Hertfordshire County Council will require a full consideration of the land needed for any proposed school provision, taking into account a range of criteria including flood risk and the gradient of the development site.

[27] Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions,

[28] Hertfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions,

[29] Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004


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