Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031

Ended on the 4 August 2017

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Document Size
Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2031
acrobat reader Pages 1-28 2 M
acrobat reader Pages 29-59 2 M
acrobat reader Pages 60-90 1 M
acrobat reader Annex 1-4 1 M
acrobat reader Annex 5-6 324 K
acrobat reader Annex 7 8 M
acrobat reader Annex 8 461 K
acrobat reader Annex 9 - 14 569 K


Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031

4. About the Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Planning Forum (WPNPF)

6. Natural and Historic Environments

Policy NHE1

Policy NHE2

Policy NHE3

Policy NHE4

Policy NHE5

Policy NHE6

Policy NHE7

Policy NHE8

Policy NHE9

Policy NHE10

Policy NHE11

Policy NHE12

Policy NHE13

Policy NHE14

Policy NHE15

Policy NHE16

7. Green Belt

Policy GB1

Policy GB2

Policy GB3

8. Flood Risk

Policy FR1

Policy FR2

Policy FR3

Policy FR4

Policy FR5

9. Green Infrastructure and Spaces

Policy GIS1

Policy GIS2

10. Transport Links

Policy TL1

Policy TL2

Policy TL3

11. Traffic Management

Policy TM1

Policy TM2

Policy TM3

Policy TM4

Policy TM5

12. Education

Policy E1

Policy E2

Policy E3

13. Telecommunications and Broadband

Policy TB1

14. Supporting Local Business and Employment

Policy SLBE1

Policy SLBE2

Policy SLBE3

Policy SLBE4

15. Social Cohesion and Well-being

Policy SCW1

Policy SCW2

16. Housing and Other Development

Policy HOD1

Policy HOD2

Policy HOD4

Policy HOD5

Policy HOD1(a)

Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

Annex 4

Annex 5

Annex 6

Annex 7

Annex 8

Annex 9

Basic Condition 1

Basic Condition 2

Basic Condition 3

Basic Condition 4

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