Proposed Main Modifications - List of Examination Documents

Ended on the 11 April 2019

The schedule of proposed Main Modifications includes a cross reference to a series of Examination Documents which support the Main Modifications. If you wish to make comments on these documents directly, you can use the links below.

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Document Size
acrobat reader ED2 Markides Associates technical note on transportation East of Luton 1 M
acrobat reader ED3 Partial update on housing monitoring and 5 year supply 226 K
acrobat reader ED4 Luton Local Plan Inspector's report 528 K
acrobat reader ED5 MoU between NHDC and Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership 197 K
acrobat reader ED6 SoCG between NHDC and Aylesbury Vale District Council 107 K
acrobat reader ED7 SoCG between NHDC and St Albans District Council 120 K
acrobat reader ED13 MoU between NHDC and East Herts District Council 165 K
acrobat reader ED14 NHDC Transport Strategy 6 M
acrobat reader ED14A Errata attached to ED14 NHDC Transport Strategy 249 K
acrobat reader ED16 Inspector's final report on Stevenage Borough Council Local Plan 266 K
acrobat reader ED17 PSE Consulting: review of smaller scale (4-5FE) versus larger (6FE) Secondary Schools 816 K
acrobat reader ED18 Updated SoCG on NHDC Local Plan between NHDC and Luton Borough Council 655 K
acrobat reader ED19 Interpretation of COMET Model results for North Hertfordshire District 2 M
acrobat reader ED20 Hitchin Industrial Area Transport Study 7 M
acrobat reader ED21 ED53 - Matter 1 NHDC Opening Statement at Hearing Sessions: Cllr Levett 146 K
acrobat reader ED22 Mr Marcus Powell: Details of FOI request 2 M
acrobat reader ED25 ED53 - Matter 3 HMA's Bedfordshire and the surrounding areas: Updating the evidence of Migration 1 M
acrobat reader ED27 SoCG between NHDC and HCC: Strategic Allocation BA1 1 M
acrobat reader ED28 SoCG between NHDC, Bloor Homes and The Crown Estate: Strategic Allocations EL1, EL2 and EL3 1 M
acrobat reader ED29 SoCG between NHDC and Picture SRL: Strategic Allocation GA2 355 K
acrobat reader ED30 SoCG between NHDC and Bellcross Homes: Strategic Allocation HT1 537 K
acrobat reader ED31 SoCG between NHDC and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation: Strategic Allocation LG1 684 K
acrobat reader ED32 SoCG between NHDC and Croudace Homes: Strategic Allocation NS1 276 K
acrobat reader ED34 Calverton Judgement: Case No: CO/4846/2014 269 K
acrobat reader ED35 Secretary of State's speech on Housing Market 256 K
acrobat reader ED36 Secretary of State's letter to Stevenage Borough Council re hold on Local Plan 162 K
acrobat reader ED37 ED53 - Matter 2 NHDC Proposed Revisions to Policy SP2 111 K
ED39 ED53 - Matter 2 NHDC response to Mr Powell's FOI N/A
acrobat reader ED39a: Freedom of Information response 116 K
acrobat reader ED39b: Appeal decision: APP/X1925/W/17/3172798 Rose Farm, Codicote Road, Whitwell, Herts SG4 8AB 125 K
acrobat reader ED41 NHDC: CAG response to ED40 28 K
acrobat reader ED42 ED53 - Matter 4 NHDC Note to Inspector: Five Year Housing Land supply scenarios 67 K
acrobat reader ED43 ED53 - Matter 1 NHDC Note to Inspector re operation of website during consultations especially regulation 19 consultation 25 K
ED44 ED53 - Matter 2 NHDC current and proposed Green Belt Maps N/A
acrobat reader ED44a: Current Green Belt Boundaries 8 M
acrobat reader ED44b: Proposed Green Belt Boundaries 10 M
acrobat reader ED50 SoCG between NHDC and New Road Property Developments & Bovis Homes WY1 Land South of Little Wymondley and Policy CGB5 Unknown
acrobat reader ED51 SoCG between NHDC and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation 124 K
acrobat reader ED52 ED53 - Matter 1 SoCG between NHDC and Natural England 129 K
acrobat reader ED57a ED53 - Matter 3 St Modwen Developments V Secretary of State 28.4.16 CO/3653/2015 249 K
acrobat reader ED57b ED53 - Matter 3 St Modwen Developments: Court of Appeal C1/2016/2001 355 K
acrobat reader ED58a ED53 - Matter 3 Oadby & Wigston BC V Secretary of State & Bloor Homes 3.7.15 CO/1359/2015 178 K
acrobat reader ED58b ED53 - Matter 3 Oadby & Wigston BC: Court of Appeal C1/2015/2447 177 K
acrobat reader ED59 Dartford Borough Council V Secretary of State Court of Appeal CO/4129/2015 Case No: C1/2016/1664 105 K
acrobat reader ED60 NHDC Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment Update Final Report 2 M
acrobat reader ED61 Letter from NHDC Property Services concerning sites in the Local Plan 999 K
acrobat reader ED62 NHDC Note to Inspector on Air Quality 4 M
acrobat reader ED63 AQMA Action Plan Stevenage Road - Hitchin 692 K
acrobat reader ED64 AQMA Action Plan Stevenage Road and Paynes Park, Hitchin 542 K
acrobat reader ED65 AQMA Action Plan non technical summary Stevenage Road & Paynes Park 96 K
acrobat reader ED66 AQMA Action Plan update Stevenage Road, Hitchin 296 K
acrobat reader ED67 AQMA Order Paynes Park, Hitchin 149 K
acrobat reader ED68 AQMA Order Stevenage Road, Hitchin 2 M
acrobat reader ED69 NHDC Air Quality Annual Statistics Report 2016 3 M
acrobat reader ED70 NHDC Air Quality Annual Statistics Report 2017 4 M
acrobat reader ED71 Statement of Common Ground between NHDC and landowners West of Stevenage re safeguarded land 352 K
acrobat reader ED72 NHDC Viability Addendum 2 M
acrobat reader ED73 ED53 - Matter 4 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (main report) 2 M
acrobat reader ED73A Appendix 1 - Infrastructure Delivery Schedule 200 K
acrobat reader ED74 NHDC Matter 6 Infrastructure Table 75 K
acrobat reader ED75 Supplementary SoCG with LGCHF 329 K
acrobat reader ED76 Lower Stondon Heritage Assessment 3 M
acrobat reader ED77 ED53 Matter 4 NHDC Liaison with Letchworth Garden City Heritage foundation re NHDC proposed development in Letchworth Town centre 1 M
acrobat reader ED78 ED53 Matter 4 NHDC calculation re 20% figure in policy SP8(d) re previously developed land 158 K
acrobat reader ED79 ED54 Matter 7 NHDC to provide justification for proposed addition of land to Green Belt 100 K
acrobat reader ED80 SOCG between NHDC and EW Pepper Ltd re: education provision at site RY1, Royston 1 M
acrobat reader ED81 SOCG between NHDC and Bloor Homes/The Crown Estate re: education provision at strategic site EL1/2/3, East of Luton 5 M
acrobat reader ED82 SOCG between NHDC and Historic England 2 M
acrobat reader ED83 ED54 Matter 8 NHDC note on self build 136 K
acrobat reader ED84 ED54 Matter 9 NHDC note on SHLAA chronology 836 K
acrobat reader ED85 ED53 - Matter 6 NHDC Note on transport modelling and the southern bypass for Hitchin 52 K
acrobat reader ED86 ED53 - Matter 6 NHDC - Note on the B656 between Codicote and Knebworth 179 K
acrobat reader ED89 NHDC Note on Chilterns AONB Proposed Extension (Matter 19) 4 M
acrobat reader ED90 SoCG between NHDC and Hertfordshire County Council re: BA1 3 M
acrobat reader ED91 SoCG between NHDC and Hertfordshire County Council re: BA2, BA3 and BA4 5 M
acrobat reader ED93 ED55 - Matter 19 - previous consultation responses from HRBC Herts Ecology 872 K
acrobat reader ED97 Luton Borough Council 2015 transport modelling evidence re Luton Airport 5 M
acrobat reader ED105 ED53: Matter 6 Statement of common ground between NHDC and Hertfordshire County Council Highways 419 K
acrobat reader ED106 Supplementary SoCG between NHDC and Picture SRL re allocation GA2 Land NE of Stevenage 4 M
acrobat reader ED107 Supplementary SoCG between NHDC and Croudace re allocation NS1 Land North of Stevenage 5 M
acrobat reader ED108 SoCG between NHDC and Gladman Developments Ltd re Site KB4 2 M
acrobat reader ED109 ED53 - Matter 1: Missing correspondence between NHDC & HCC in relation to education matters 4 K
acrobat reader ED110 ED54: NHDC to confirm to Ms Cheryl Peers the number of the sites allocated in the draft LP which are in the GB as currently defined 94 K
acrobat reader ED110A Appendix A: List of sites in GB as currently defined 96 K
acrobat reader ED112 Supplementary SoCG between NHDC and New Rd. Property Developments and Bovis Homes: WY1 Land south of Lt. Wymondley and Policy CGB5 915 K
acrobat reader ED113 ED94: Matter 21 response to Ms Cottier re access to website between 31.12.17 and 23.1.18 87 K
acrobat reader ED114 SoCG Between NHDC and Mr Neil Ross site TH1 108 K
acrobat reader ED116 ED96: Matter 11 English Heritage representation to the Preferred Options consultation February 2015 217 K
acrobat reader ED117 ED56: Matter 14 Council response to Inspector's queries re: retail issues 3 M
acrobat reader ED118 ED56: Matter 13 Council's responses to Inspector's queries re: Economic Development (B class uses) 141 K
acrobat reader ED121 Chilterns AONB Setting Report 2 M
acrobat reader ED131 Supplementary Statement of Common Ground between NHDC and Bellcross Homes re. Site HT1: Highover Farm, Hitchin 7 M
acrobat reader ED136 NHDC note to the Inspector on services & features at AS1 155 K
acrobat reader ED159 NHDC note to Inspector: Implications of new household projections for the NHDC Local Plan 2 M
acrobat reader ED161A Green Belt Review Update 3 M
acrobat reader ED161B Green Belt Review Update - Appendices Unknown
acrobat reader ED163 Council's annotated response to the Inspector's note (ED160A) 630 K
acrobat reader ED164 Updated Habitat Regulation Assessment 9 M
acrobat reader ED164A Updated Habitat Regulation Assessment - Appendix 5 1 M
acrobat reader ED137 Matter 1: Legal Requirements 11 M
acrobat reader ED138 Matter 2: Sustainable Development: the settlement hierarchy 11 M
acrobat reader ED139 Matter 3: The Housing Strategy: the need for housing and the housing requirement 3 M
acrobat reader ED140 Matter 4: The Housing Strategy: the supply of land for housing 1 M
acrobat reader ED141 Matter 5: Housing Strategy: The spatial distribution of new housing. 34 K
acrobat reader ED142 Matter 6: Deliverability 3 M
acrobat reader ED143 Matter 7: Countryside and Green Belt: the Green Belt review and approach to safeguarded land 1 M
acrobat reader ED144 Matter 8: The Housing Strategy: affordable housing, housing mix and supported, sheltered older persons housing 2 M
acrobat reader ED145 Matter 9: Housing Strategy: the spatial distribution of new housing 1 M
ED146 Matter 10: The housing allocations and the settlement boundaries: The Towns N/A
acrobat reader ED146A Baldock and Hitchin 4 K
acrobat reader ED146B Letchworth and Royston 4 K
acrobat reader ED146C Luton and Cockernhoe 4 K
acrobat reader ED147 Matter 10/11: Stevenage (Gt Ashby), Graveley (including North of Stevenage) and Knebworth. 221 K
ED148 Matter 11: The housing allocations and the settlement boundaries: The Villages N/A
acrobat reader ED148A Ashwell, Barkway, Barley, Breachwood Green, Hexton and Kimpton 141 K
acrobat reader ED148B Ickleford, Lower Stondon, Little Wymondley and Codicote 4 K
acrobat reader ED148C St Ippolyts, Reed, Sandon, Therfield, Weston, Whitwell, Oaklands, Offley, Pirton and Preston 2 M
(1)acrobat reader ED149 Matter 12: Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 3 M
acrobat reader ED150 Matter 13: Economic Development 197 K
acrobat reader ED151 Matter 14: Town and Local Centres 3 M
acrobat reader ED152 Matter 15: Countryside and Green Belt: the policy approach to the Green Belt, Rural Areas beyond and the Green Belt and Urban Open Land 134 K
acrobat reader ED153 Matter 16: Transport and Infrastructure 387 K
acrobat reader ED154 Matter 17: Design including Air Quality (also see ED156 Matter 21 Air Quality) 6 M
acrobat reader ED155 Matter 18: Healthy communities 41 K
acrobat reader ED156 Matter19: The Natural Environment 282 K
acrobat reader ED157 Matter 20: The Historic Environment 50 K
acrobat reader ED158 Matter 21: Air quality (see also ED152 Matter 17 Design including air quality). 1 M
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