Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

1.3 What is the Plan About?

Representation ID: 6364

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 1.3.6, Page 2
The reference to the map of Pirton Parish should refer to the map on page 2 of the document, "Pirton Neighbourhood Plan Area - Designated January 2014" rather than the map on page 4 in the current document.

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

1.3 What is the Plan About?

Representation ID: 6365

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 1.3.7, Page 4
It is unclear why the map from the Local Plan Preferred Options needs to be included in the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan. The text refers to the village and the village boundary which is already illustrated on page 3.

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

2.1 Pirton Village and Parish

Representation ID: 6366

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Map of Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments, Page 13
The area designated as a scheduled ancient monument at Priors Hill was amended by Historic England in November 2016, this should be reflected in a new version of the map.

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 5 - Wildlife

Representation ID: 6367

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

There are some inconsistencies in the terminology used in this section. The policy refers to "wildlife habitats", the supporting text refers to "wildlife areas" and the map on page 31 defines "wildlife sites."

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 6 - Local Green Spaces

Representation ID: 6368

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

There are some differences for the map heading on Page 32 (Local Green Spaces and Open Spaces), the heading on the map on Page 32 (Village Open Spaces), the policy title on Page 33 (Local Green Spaces) and then the heading used in the table (Designated Green Space). The terminology for the local green spaces should be reviewed and a consistent approach adopted.
It would also be helpful to number the sites listed in the table on Page 33 and these numbers used on the map.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 10 - Support for Local Business

Representation ID: 6369

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Would Clauses 10.5 and 10.6 be better placed as part of Policy PNP12: Connectivity as they refer to the use of the signage and car parking facilities for visitors to the area? Policy PNP12: Connectivity already refers to proposals which will improve access to the countryside and the Chilterns AONB. These clauses might also be more effective in terms of Section 106 contributions if they were amended to read:
"Provide, or contribute towards....."

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 12 - Connectivity

Representation ID: 6370

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Clause 12.4 is the first use of "will not be permitted" in the plan. This phrase is out of step with the tone of the remainder of the plan.

Full text:

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 1 - Meeting Local Need

Representation ID: 6371

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
the inclusion of a 30 dwelling limit for development appears to be arbitrary with insufficient evidence to justify its inclusion; and
the relationship of the policy with Policy CGB2 in the emerging North Hertfordshire Local Plan.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 2 - Design and Character

Representation ID: 6372

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

The Council has some reservations about the density figures referred to in the policy. In particular does Clause 2.3 mean that development proposals which are in excess of 22 dwellings per hectare will not be supported, even if the scheme fulfils all the other criteria?
It is unclear how Clause 2.5 of the policy can be enforced in determining development proposals.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Policy PNP 4 - Hedgerows, Trees and Verges

Representation ID: 6373

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Clause 4.2 refers to the replacement of trees and hedgerows with "...trees of no less aboriculture or amenity value". The Council is not clear how this requirement could be measured and considers that these words could be deleted from the policy.

Full text:

See attached


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