
Wallington Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2031 Submission Version June 2023

Representation ID: 10368

Received: 25/08/2023

Respondent: Patchetts Green Bridleways Trust CIO

Representation Summary:

We support:
* Policy W4(B)(ix) and (x)
As appropriate to their scale, nature and location development proposals should address the following criteria:
(ix) ensure safe pedestrian, and where feasible cycle/equestrian, access to link up with the existing Public Rights of Way network; and
(x) ensure that traffic generation and parking does not adversely affect vehicular and
pedestrian safety. The use of sustainable transport modes should be promoted by providing space for cycle parking, improving Public Rights of Way infrastructure and
provision of electric vehicle charging points. Residential parking provision should be in accordance with the NHDC Parking standards, with priority given to adequate off-road
parking for residents, visitors and service vehicles;
We propose that this goes further though. Please add to this policy:
(xii) assistance with any relevant aspects of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the area.
The Local Green Space designations are welcomed, but ask that the draft Plan be improved by adding:
7.16 It is recognised that the designation of sites as Local Green Space provides some protection against inappropriate development. Where specific green space is included as part of a development, designation as a Village Green would also provide rights of access to residents and so development proposals offering green space will be encouraged to voluntarily register such space as a village green (Commons Act 2006).
Add to policy W9 at end:
Registration of green space in developments as Village Green under the Commons Act 2006 will be encouraged.
Finally, the evidence table (Section 14) should have the following additional entry:
Document/Evidence: Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Author: Hertfordshire County Council
Year: 2017

Full text:

We support:
* Policy W4(B)(ix) and (x)
As appropriate to their scale, nature and location development proposals should address the following criteria:
(ix) ensure safe pedestrian, and where feasible cycle/equestrian, access to link up with the existing Public Rights of Way network; and
(x) ensure that traffic generation and parking does not adversely affect vehicular and
pedestrian safety. The use of sustainable transport modes should be promoted by providing space for cycle parking, improving Public Rights of Way infrastructure and
provision of electric vehicle charging points. Residential parking provision should be in accordance with the NHDC Parking standards, with priority given to adequate off-road
parking for residents, visitors and service vehicles;
We propose that this goes further though. Please add to this policy:
(xii) assistance with any relevant aspects of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the area.
The Local Green Space designations are welcomed, but ask that the draft Plan be improved by adding:
7.16 It is recognised that the designation of sites as Local Green Space provides some protection against inappropriate development. Where specific green space is included as part of a development, designation as a Village Green would also provide rights of access to residents and so development proposals offering green space will be encouraged to voluntarily register such space as a village green (Commons Act 2006).
Add to policy W9 at end:
Registration of green space in developments as Village Green under the Commons Act 2006 will be encouraged.
Finally, the evidence table (Section 14) should have the following additional entry:
Document/Evidence: Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Author: Hertfordshire County Council
Year: 2017