
Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2035 Submission Version March 2023

Representation ID: 10337

Received: 21/06/2023

Respondent: Hertfordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

AECOM Ickleford Design Code Final Report March 2023
The removal of the masterplan in the Design Code for site IC3 is welcomed.

Full text:

This response is sent by Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Property (Property Planning Team) on behalf of the county council as landowner in response to the Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan and Ickleford Design Code Consultations.

Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan
Site IC3 in the adopted North Herts Local Plan is in the ownership of the county council and is allocated for 150 homes with reserved land for a new primary school.

Policy C3 of the Neighbourhood Plan refers to the provision of new primary education facilities in Ickleford, either through the expansion of the existing school, or the construction of a new school on site IC3. The new school site will be safeguarded by the county council until such time as it is needed for education use.

AECOM Ickleford Design Code Final Report March 2023
The removal of the masterplan in the Design Code for site IC3 is welcomed.