Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
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Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
FM 017
Representation ID: 8515
Received: 19/05/2021
Respondent: Green Party
This change is based on ONS 2016, which is now 5 years out of date and not the latest forecast available, which is ONS 2018 - https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationprojections/bulletins/subnationalpopulationprojectionsforengland/2018based
ONS 2018 states that the forecast population growth is 3330 between 2018 and 2028. This is a third of the forecast quoted - a substantial change. This revision of lower population growth is substantial and has a material impact on many other concerns, so must be taken into consideration.
This change is based on ONS 2016, which is now 5 years out of date and not the latest forecast available, which is ONS 2018 - https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationprojections/bulletins/subnationalpopulationprojectionsforengland/2018based
ONS 2018 states that the forecast population growth is 3330 between 2018 and 2028. This is a third of the forecast quoted - a substantial change. This revision of lower population growth is substantial and has a material impact on many other concerns, so must be taken into consideration.
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
FM 021
Representation ID: 8516
Received: 19/05/2021
Respondent: Green Party
A jump from 19% to 58% adult obesity in 5 years does not seem realistic. One or both sets of statistics seem unreliable. Further my own research suggests the figure is 20.1% (for Hertfordshire as a whole, see URL below) and my empirical observation in North Herts would support that figure.
Please review these statistics.
A jump from 19% to 58% adult obesity in 5 years does not seem realistic. One or both sets of statistics seem unreliable. Further my own research suggests the figure is 20.1% (for Hertfordshire as a whole, see URL below) and my empirical observation in North Herts would support that figure.
Please review these statistics.
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
FM 024
Representation ID: 8517
Received: 19/05/2021
Respondent: Green Party
The 2015 comment included useful information that enables an easy comparison to the rest of the region. Can this be included again?
The 2015 comment included useful information that enables an easy comparison to the rest of the region. Can this be included again?
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
FM 028
Representation ID: 8518
Received: 19/05/2021
Respondent: Green Party
FM017 indicated a population increase of 3330 people, this equates to 1400 households (assuming the national average of 2.4 and rounding generously up).
FM 027 indicates a household shortage of 2100.
That is a maximum requirement of 3500 homes over a ten year period. Providing 11500 homes would mean an excess of 8000 homes.
It appears that the objectively assessed need (OAN) is not as objective as this document despite its name.
Considering the considerable impact an over provision of 8000 homes would have on the local area, services and the environment, I request that the OAN be challenged.
FM017 indicated a population increase of 3330 people, this equates to 1400 households (assuming the national average of 2.4 and rounding generously up).
FM 027 indicates a household shortage of 2100.
That is a maximum requirement of 3500 homes over a ten year period. Providing 11500 homes would mean an excess of 8000 homes.
It appears that the objectively assessed need (OAN) is not as objective as this document despite its name.
Considering the considerable impact an over provision of 8000 homes would have on the local area, services and the environment, I request that the OAN be challenged.
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
FM 031
Representation ID: 8519
Received: 19/05/2021
Respondent: Green Party
I propose that a further statement be added:
* Respond to the climate crisis and deliver future economic growth in a far more resource-efficient fashion than previously.
Hertfordshire LEP “Hertfordshire Local Industrial Strategy” Draft September 2019, page 20 - “Strategic Themes for Hertfordshire”. Due to be finalised in 2020, delayed due to the pandemic? Not a reason for ignoring this vital topic.
There is a growing recognition of the importance of responding effectively to the climate crisis. It is worthwhile ensuring that this is included on an equal footing with other important statements.
I propose that a further statement be added:
* Respond to the climate crisis and deliver future economic growth in a far more resource-efficient fashion than previously.
Hertfordshire LEP “Hertfordshire Local Industrial Strategy” Draft September 2019, page 20 - “Strategic Themes for Hertfordshire”. Due to be finalised in 2020, delayed due to the pandemic? Not a reason for ignoring this vital topic.
There is a growing recognition of the importance of responding effectively to the climate crisis. It is worthwhile ensuring that this is included on an equal footing with other important statements.
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
FM 032
Representation ID: 8520
Received: 19/05/2021
Respondent: Green Party
Surely this is still true, and important?
Surely this is still true, and important?
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
MM 021 / FM 055
Representation ID: 8558
Received: 07/06/2021
Respondent: Green Party
Covid-19 has demonstrated that shopping and retail patterns are changing rapidly, with physical shop demands greatly reducing. This challenges all forecasts of shop and job requirements. However, there may conversely be an increase in demand for 'experience locations' such as the 'escape room' in Letchworth along with locations for social gathering.
Covid-19 has demonstrated that shopping and retail patterns are changing rapidly, with physical shop demands greatly reducing. This challenges all forecasts of shop and job requirements. However, there may conversely be an increase in demand for 'experience locations' such as the 'escape room' in Letchworth along with locations for social gathering.
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
MM 045 / FM 001
Representation ID: 8559
Received: 07/06/2021
Respondent: Green Party
Append to iv. So that walking is easier than using a vehicle.
Append to vi. Including a substantial proportion of social housing.
Add another bullet point to “vii. * Ensure all residential fencing includes hedgehog friendly gaps at regular intervals to ensure their free movement, and that these gaps are protected by covenant or other appropriate legal means.”
Append to iv. So that walking is easier than using a vehicle.
Append to vi. Including a substantial proportion of social housing.
Add another bullet point to “vii. * Ensure all residential fencing includes hedgehog friendly gaps at regular intervals to ensure their free movement, and that these gaps are protected by covenant or other appropriate legal means.”
Further Proposed Modifications to the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031
MM 166 / FM 100
Representation ID: 8560
Received: 07/06/2021
Respondent: Green Party
"All development should deliver measurable net gains for biodiversity and geodiversity, contribute to ecological networks and the water environment, and/or restore degraded or isolated habitats where possible."
Replace with
"All development must deliver measurable net gains for biodiversity and geodiversity, contribute to ecological networks and the water environment, and/or restore degraded or isolated habitats where possible, where that biodiversity considers a broad range of flora and fauna and is implemented in such a manner that the gains can not be easily destroyed, such as using covenants to protect against damaging development. Consider the wellbeing of future generations."
"All development should deliver measurable net gains for biodiversity and geodiversity, contribute to ecological networks and the water environment, and/or restore degraded or isolated habitats where possible."
Replace with
"All development must deliver measurable net gains for biodiversity and geodiversity, contribute to ecological networks and the water environment, and/or restore degraded or isolated habitats where possible, where that biodiversity considers a broad range of flora and fauna and is implemented in such a manner that the gains can not be easily destroyed, such as using covenants to protect against damaging development. Consider the wellbeing of future generations."