Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031

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Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031

1 Introduction

Representation ID: 8617

Received: 03/06/2021

Respondent: Hertfordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

The following comments are provided by Hertfordshire County Council Property Planning Team on behalf of the County Council as a landowner.

Thank you for consulting us on the Submission Version of the Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031.

We have reviewed the information submitted and have no comments to make at this time.

Full text:

The following comments are provided by Hertfordshire County Council Property Planning Team on behalf of the County Council as a landowner.

Thank you for consulting us on the Submission Version of the Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2031.

We have reviewed the information submitted and have no comments to make at this time.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.