Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Representation ID: 6686

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

WY1 does not represent sustainable development and there are no "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the green belt. WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Full text:

I object to Main Modification (MM 010 Policy SP2).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM012 - Page 34 After Paragraph 4.12 (new paragraph)

Representation ID: 6687

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Full text:

I object to Main Modification (MM 012).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 010 Policy SP2).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1 does not represent sustainable development and there are no "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the green belt. WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM023 - Page 41 Policy SP5

Representation ID: 6688

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

NHDC have not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.
The new green belt areas proposed by NHDC are already open country side and will do nothing to prevent the sprawl of the towns and swallow up the smaller villages which is exactly what the green belt is designed for. The proposed modification is unsound.

Full text:

NHDC have not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.
The new green belt areas proposed by NHDC are already open country side and will do nothing to prevent the sprawl of the towns and swallow up the smaller villages which is exactly what the green belt is designed for. The proposed modification is unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM105 - Page 84 paragraph 6.1 (ED152)

Representation ID: 6689

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

NHDC have not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.
The new green belt areas proposed by NHDC are already open country side and will do nothing to prevent the sprawl of the towns and swallow up the smaller villages which is exactly what the green belt is designed for. The proposed modification is unsound.

Full text:

NHDC have not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.
The new green belt areas proposed by NHDC are already open country side and will do nothing to prevent the sprawl of the towns and swallow up the smaller villages which is exactly what the green belt is designed for. The proposed modification is unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM031 - Page 44 After Paragraph 4.68 (new paragraph)

Representation ID: 6690

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The infrastructure especially in Wymondley parish can not due with the extra traffic which will accumulate if WY1 is build. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Full text:

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM012 - Page 34 After Paragraph 4.12 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 012).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 010 Policy SP2).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1 does not represent sustainable development and there are no "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the green belt. WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM032 - Page 44 Policy SP7

Representation ID: 6691

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Representation Summary:

The infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Full text:

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM031 - Page 44 After Paragraph 4.68 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM012 - Page 34 After Paragraph 4.12 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 012).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 010 Policy SP2).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1 does not represent sustainable development and there are no "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the green belt. WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure especially in Wymondley parish can not due with the extra traffic which will accumulate if WY1 is build. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Build a new garden city. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM035 - Page 47-48 Policy SP8

Representation ID: 6692

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

Full text:

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM042 - Page 50 Paragraph 4.104

Representation ID: 6693

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

NHDC have not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.
The new green belt areas proposed by NHDC are already open country side and will do nothing to prevent the sprawl of the towns and swallow up the smaller villages which is exactly what the green belt is designed for. The proposed modification is unsound.

Full text:

NHDC have not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.
The new green belt areas proposed by NHDC are already open country side and will do nothing to prevent the sprawl of the towns and swallow up the smaller villages which is exactly what the green belt is designed for. The proposed modification is unsound.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM150 - Page 105 Policy D4 (ED154) (ED158)

Representation ID: 6694

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Do not build WY1. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Full text:

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout at the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:
The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM151 - Page 105 paragraph 9.25

Representation ID: 6695

Received: 11/01/2019

Respondent: Mr Robert Howard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The modification is unsound.

Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound

Full text:

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout at the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM369 - Page 214 paragraph 13.355

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM032 - Page 44 Policy SP7

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM369 - Page 214 paragraph 13.355

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM032 - Page 44 Policy SP7

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM031 - Page 44 After Paragraph 4.68 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM012 - Page 34 After Paragraph 4.12 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 012).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 010 Policy SP2).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1 does not represent sustainable development and there are no "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the green belt. WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure especially in Wymondley parish can not due with the extra traffic which will accumulate if WY1 is build. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Build a new garden city. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

035 NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not built WY1. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM031 - Page 44 After Paragraph 4.68 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

There has been No consideration on the health implications regarding Air Quality. The A602 Wymondley Bypass runs along the current AQMA at The Three Moorhens pub roundabout on the A602. The AQMA needs to be extended along the Wymondley Bypass and air quality measurements need to be taken by NHDC.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM012 - Page 34 After Paragraph 4.12 (new paragraph)

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 012).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass.
Representation ID:

Support / Object:

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Do you consider the DPD is Legally compliant?

Do you consider the DPD is Sound?

Does it comply with the duty to Co-operate?

Failed soundness tests:

Positively prepared
Consistent with national policy

I object to Main Modification (MM 010 Policy SP2).
Little Wymondley being categorised as a village identified for growth for the following reasons.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

1, the Office for National Statistics and government have made it clear that NHDC,s proposed development grown for NHDC is completely overestimated and is unsound. The development and modification are unsound.

I do not believe that NHDC have taken the findings of the ONS regarding the reduction of housing needs with the NHDC area seriously. NHDC do not need to build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley and WY1 should not be categorised a village identified for growth, the development and modification are unsound.

NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

2, developing WY1 which is approximately equivalent to an increase in the size of Little Wymondley of 80% simply is not sustainable development.
The development and modification are unsound.

3, the infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The Wymondley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Committee (sub committee of the Wymondley Parish Council) along with the Friends of the Earth (FoE) have carried out air quality diffusion tube testing in November 2017 then 12 consecutive months starting in April 2018 and will reach completion in March 2019. The diffusion test tubes supplied by FoE are analysed by the same laboratory (GRADKO) as NHDC have used., using the DEFRA model.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1 does not represent sustainable development and there are no "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the green belt. WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not build WY1 on green belt in Little Wymondley. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

4, the proposed new road leading to WY1 will be on a known flood risk area on Stevenage Road, this proposed development and modification are unsound.

5, NHDC has not proved that they have used up all brownfield site development areas and have not proved "very special circumstances" to remove WY1 from the current green belt status. Therefore, WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley Categorised as a village identified for growth is completely unsound. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

WY1, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. This proposed development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure especially in Wymondley parish can not due with the extra traffic which will accumulate if WY1 is build. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Build a new garden city. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
The development and modification are unsound.

The road leading to the proposed development site of WY1 from Stevenage Road is in a known flood area and has a high risk of flooding again, making WY1 inaccessible during a flood, so therefore the infrastructure plans for WY1 are inadequate. Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound.

The infrastructure cannot cope with the amount of traffic we have now and NHDC have not carried out any air quality measurements in the parish of Wymondley. The AQMA at the Three Moorhens needs to be extended along the A602 Wymondley Bypass. Until NHDC do this then the development and modification are unsound.

035 NHDC used the projections from 2014 to base the housing figures instead of the ONS 2016 projections. Therefore, NHDC have overestimated the housing need by 4000 dwellings. The housing figure should be lowered by 4000 which will prevent the need to build on the green belt within the smaller villages such as WY1 in Little Wymondley. Therefore, the modification is unsound.

Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.

Do not built WY1. NHDC have not once mentioned the Wymondley Neighbourhood plan which is currently at Examination in Public stage. The Local Plan and modification are unsound.
Therefore, Little Wymondley should not be categorised as a village identified for growth. The development and modification are unsound

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