Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM234 - Page 155 paragraph 13.86

Representation ID: 7207

Received: 31/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Alan J Lines

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See full text below.

Full text:

I wish to object most strongly at your devious approach to development on the narrow strip of Green Belt surrounding Graveley Village. Your methodology of redrawing a settlement boundary closer in to the village centre and excluding
our Church, Numbers 2 and 4 High street and numbers 1-11 High Street is frankly underhand.

How this approach can be allowed is beyond comprehension and only put forward by your planners in order to move undevelopable land into the possible development sphere. The village's close proximity to urban Stevenage has always been a worrying feature. It is clearly Inappropriate Development to do this and threatens the unique nature of our village.

Graveley is a stand alone village at the moment and has been since its mention in the Domesday Book along with its Toll Gate on the Great North Road.

Any encroachment towards Stevenage should not be allowed, nor Stevenage encroachment towards Graveley Village.

GR1 is also in the Green Belt but at least does not seriously affect the village's proximity to other built up areas. If this site was to be developed I would hope that a major contribution is levied towards Noise Alleviation emanating from the A1M.

I would hope too that any permitted development in Graveley (or adjacent to it) will be restricted to Residential only and not allow any Commercial, some of which already blights the character of this unique village.

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