Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Representation ID: 7371

Received: 10/04/2019

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Derek and Cherry Carter

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached.

Full text:

The revised plan still does not offer any new evidence to address the issue of building on Green Belt Land. The Plan still contains no evidence to justify special circumstance to allow Green Belt development.
One of the main functions of Green Belt is to prevent coalescence between towns and villages. It is 'where it is now' that is vital, it cannot arbitrarily be re-located elsewhere and still perform the same function.
To re-designate Little Wymondley as a growth village with no public consultation is a clear omission on the part if NHDC and is totally inappropriate given that other local authorities have followed a process of public consultation.
The scale of the proposed development WY1 is inappropriate given that the residents have clearly stated in their responses to the Neighbourhood Plan Survey that up to 50 houses could be accommodated in the parish without having a significant impact on the already overstretched transport infrastructure. The proposed development also does not take into account the accumulative impact on transport infrastructure of the adjoining local authority i.e. Stevenage Borough Council and its housing plans and proposed retail and commercial sites adjacent to the parish.
The site itself WY1 has only one access/exit for vehicular traffic on to Little Wymondley High Street, an area of high risk if flooding, as well documented data proves.
A high proportion of the flood water that travels along the High Street originates on the adjacent farm land and cannot be effectively be diverted elsewhere.
At times of flooding this could well result in no access or exit from the proposed site.
The site WY1 is also adjacent to the A602 the corridor that has consistently registered above legal limits of air pollution during the last year.
The proposed plans for WY1 shows a new primary school sited close to this persistent source of air borne pollution, is this wise?
To conclude, WY1 is not a suitable site for development because it is on Green Belt land, is adjacent to a known source of pollution, is at risk of being affected by flooding which has no guaranteed solution. It is on a scale not wanted by residents and would impact on an already saturated local road network.


Proposed Main Modifications

MM367 - Page 213 Policy WY1 (ED148B)

Representation ID: 7459

Received: 10/04/2019

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Derek and Cherry Carter

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached.

Full text:

The revised plan still does not offer any new evidence to address the issue of building on Green Belt Land. The Plan still contains no evidence to justify special circumstance to allow Green Belt development.
One of the main functions of Green Belt is to prevent coalescence between towns and villages. It is 'where it is now' that is vital, it cannot arbitrarily be re-located elsewhere and still perform the same function.
To re-designate Little Wymondley as a growth village with no public consultation is a clear omission on the part if NHDC and is totally inappropriate given that other local authorities have followed a process of public consultation.
The scale of the proposed development WY1 is inappropriate given that the residents have clearly stated in their responses to the Neighbourhood Plan Survey that up to 50 houses could be accommodated in the parish without having a significant impact on the already overstretched transport infrastructure. The proposed development also does not take into account the accumulative impact on transport infrastructure of the adjoining local authority i.e. Stevenage Borough Council and its housing plans and proposed retail and commercial sites adjacent to the parish.
The site itself WY1 has only one access/exit for vehicular traffic on to Little Wymondley High Street, an area of high risk if flooding, as well documented data proves.
A high proportion of the flood water that travels along the High Street originates on the adjacent farm land and cannot be effectively be diverted elsewhere.
At times of flooding this could well result in no access or exit from the proposed site.
The site WY1 is also adjacent to the A602 the corridor that has consistently registered above legal limits of air pollution during the last year.
The proposed plans for WY1 shows a new primary school sited close to this persistent source of air borne pollution, is this wise?
To conclude, WY1 is not a suitable site for development because it is on Green Belt land, is adjacent to a known source of pollution, is at risk of being affected by flooding which has no guaranteed solution. It is on a scale not wanted by residents and would impact on an already saturated local road network.

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