Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM353 - Page 208 Policy SI1, after 3rd bullet (new criterion)

Representation ID: 7665

Received: 11/04/2019

Respondent: Mr Leon Brooker

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached.

Full text:

I would like to register my concern for the planning of the development of 12-24 new homes on the 'SI2' site in St. Ippolyts, near Hitchin, titled 'land south of Stevenage Road'.
I appreciate that there is need for new houses in the area but reading your plans and hearing a recording of the original planning meeting on YouTube I do not feel that enough consideration has gone into the local area, most notably the suggested access on Stevenage Road.
The road itself was blocked off many years ago because it was being used as a commuter 'rat run' and the road simply can not handle a large volume of traffic.
At present there are many hold ups in certain parts of the road where it narrows and there was even an incident in 2018 where the police were called due to an incident between two commercial vans and a dust cart!
Add to this the parked cars around the village green next to the school on Stevenage Road during the school run, or a busy event at the church it is impossible to get delivery vans/lorries around there at certain times. And God forbid we ever need an emergency vehicle to get around there at the wrong time of day!
It is also very well worth noting that there is no footpath on Stevenage Road between the village school and the proposed development.
I feel that even with a minimum of 12 houses, that is probably an average of an extra 24 cars trying to use the road and that would be very dangerous for anyone using the road, particularly at school times or at night. On top of that you have both supermarket and online shopping delivery vans, extra recycling and rubbish lorries and that is AFTER the carnage of heavy building machinery using the lane.
I would urge you to look at access from Spurberry Hill where some of the proposed site could be used to widen the road on Spurberry Hill.
I hope my comments will be taken into account when looking at planning for this site.

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