Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM216 - Page 144 Policy BK3 (ED148A)

Representation ID: 7679

Received: 10/04/2019

Respondent: Mr Richard Powles

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See representations below

Full text:

I refer to your email of 28 February at 12.35pm ( I'm afraid your signature is illegible) telling me that the consultation period for the Main Modifications and additional Examination Documents has been extended until tomorrow.
The volume of paperwork which this consultation process has so far generated is extensive and I have no wish to add to it, but I would like to know that the observations I made in my email to you (nearly two and a half years ago now) on 29 November 2016 have been/are still being considered by the inspector and where in that paperwork I can / will be able to find his reactions to them. I look forward to you telling me.
In particular my and my wife's concerns are about the appropriateness of including site BK3 (adjoining the village of Barkway) in the Plan and the prospect of the village being disproportionately increased in size by 60%.
Among my observations I raised various questions about the process NHDC had initially followed, for example in numbered paragraph 1 about prior consultation and in paragraph 2 about the need to take account of Barkway Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan whether or not you thought it was complete. When can I expect answers to those questions?

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