Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM010 - Page 32 Policy SP2

Representation ID: 7328

Received: 05/04/2019

Respondent: Mr Tony M Gatt

Legally compliant? No

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objection to the classification of Graveley as a class 'A' village based on important historical context, and to the planned village boundary which will alter the integrity and environment of the village.

Full text:

Graveley has been categorised as a 'A' village to which i object strongly, as it ignores the historical significance of the village to the green belt and its established identity over centuries. The proposed settlement boundary lines and 'A' classification if enacted will enable developers to irrevocably alter the environmental, and historical distinct boundary of the village, and in effect the village will become absorbed by the North of Stevenage proposed development leading to the destruction of this historical village. Also as I understand the plan the drawing of the settlement boundary close to the south of the George & Dragon public house means that a false gap between the two boundaries, which will enable the NS1 development to encroach to the first house in Graveley High Street creating no division between Graveley and NS1. This is totally unacceptable and frankly an underhand action by NHDC. In addition the B197 is already severely impacted by increased traffic flow toward Stevenage principally by-passing the A1M and further development will add to the environmental impact on the existing village.

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