Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031


Representation ID: 5894

Received: 22/03/2017

Respondent: Mr Brough Ransom

Representation Summary:

I wish to register my support for the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan as part of the Regulation 16 consultation.

I have read the Neighbourhood Plan in detail and I agree with its content and policies, I urge you to accept the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan and to progress it to referendum at the earliest opportunity.

Full text:

I wish to register my support for the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan as part of the Regulation 16 consultation.

I have no hesitation in doing this because:

* It represents the views of the community of Pirton and no other Pirton document or process has:
o been the subject of so much genuine consultation or
o received so much community response, or
o can be demonstrated to be more representative of the vast majority
o And no other process has received such a mandate from the community:
at least 80% of households and 76% of adults have been involved and have responded.
*90% of youths (10 to 15 years of age) took part.
*88% of the people living in Pirton believe that it is important to have a Neighbourhood Plan.
At the start of the process there was a fear that the Pirton community would simply take an anti-development stance, but this fear was groundless. The community have accepted the need for sustainable development and have produced a Neighbourhood Plan that reflects that mature and realistic stance and documents what is sustainable for Pirton and its community.

I have read the Neighbourhood Plan in detail and I agree with its content and policies, I urge you to accept the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan and to progress it to referendum at the earliest opportunity.

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