Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031


Representation ID: 5898

Received: 22/03/2017

Respondent: Ms Irene Fussell

Representation Summary:

As part of the Regulation 16 consultation, I am contacting you to register my support for the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan.
I have been consulted and have read the Neighbourhood Plan in detail and I completely agree with the content and policies therein.
I urge you to accept this Plan and to progress it to referendum as soon as possible.

Full text:

As part of the Regulation 16 consultation, I am contacting you to register my support for the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan.
I have been consulted and have read the Neighbourhood Plan in detail and I completely agree with the content and policies therein.
I urge you to accept this Plan and to progress it to referendum as soon as possible.

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