Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031
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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031
Representation ID: 5796
Received: 18/03/2017
Respondent: Maria Castleton
Number of people: 2
Concern that any expansion of the village will result in farms and land being lost to development of houses.
Loss of wildlife.
Pirton is not suitable for building as it is a small village.
Roads and amenities would not cope.
Imapct on the way of life.
I am writing to express that myself and my husband do not support the above plan.
We have lived here for many years and our children were born and raised here. There is a huge concern amongst ourselves and local residents that any expansion of our village will result in valuable farms and land being lost to development of houses. Our farms in village are very valuable as many of us have horses and keep our horses locally and have been so for many many years. We also have fantastic wildlife, like woodpeckers, barn owls, and Red Kites just to name a few. To lose an asset like this will be such a loss and with other livery yards in surrounding areas being full it will mean that we have to travel miles, or move.
My child is in the local pony club and enjoys riding not only at the farm but also around the village. I worry that if we develop this quiet little village it will become a dangerous place for her to safely ride out.
I understand that houses need to be built somewhere but I do not think that Pirton is suitable as we are a small village and amenities, roads would not cope and would cause impact on our way of life and on nature.