Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

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Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031


Representation ID: 5790

Received: 20/03/2017

Respondent: Mr Mathew Cook

Representation Summary:

The Neighbourhood Plan has the potential to be an effective and positive way of protecting the interests of the village.
Concerns about the structure of the plan/committee and how it will be governed afterwards.

Full text:

I am writing to express my thoughts surrounding the Pirton Neighborhood Plan Committee.

Firstly, I would like to say that I believe the idea of having a Neighbourhood Plan has the potential to be an extremely effective and positive way of protecting the best interests of the village I have lived in for all of my life. I do, however, also have some concerns as to the structure of the plan/committee and how it will be governed moving forwards.

A Voice for the Village
From my understanding, the Pirton Neighborhood Plan should act as a voice for the village as a whole, and look to reflect the general views of the village as a collective, rather than of a handful of members/the people on the committee and their friends. Currently, as I understand it the Pirton Neighborhood Plan is made up of particularly one-dimensional members who only have one mind-set: stop all development, of any kind, no matter what. For people of my own age (18-30) who are potential first time buyers, buying in and staying in the village is near enough impossible in the current climate. Would new development help people in my situations prospects? Yes, greatly, and I know there are numerous more people just like me, who do not currently have a voice to sound our concerns on the committees who have been set out up until now, or on the proposed Pirton Neighborhood Plan.

Rather than the current Governors of the village relaying the same messages to the rest of the village - that development will only bring doom and gloom to the village with absolutely no benefits to anyone, I request that there should be a voice of some kind educating people with a more balanced, rounded set of opinions rather than simply dismissing anyone that welcomes the discussion of potential development, even if with genuine reason.

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