Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

SP2 Land beween Horn Hill and Bendish Lane, Whitwell

Representation ID: 2942

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Jennifer Da Silva

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
no need to allocate the site to meet housing need;
high flood risk which is highlighted in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment;
site is not in a sustainable location;
reliance on private transport;
site was proposed to be in the green belt in the Local Plan Preferred options; and
no account taken of the feelings of local people, contrary to the NPPF.

Full text:

I am writing to lodge my objections to the proposed inclusion of SP2 as a possible site for housing in the village of Whitwell.

Chapter 4, Policy SP8: The site SP2 has been added at a very late stage and the number of houses proposed is too great for the site and village to the detriment of the open countryside, therefore it should be removed from the local plan.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: The evidence used to identify Whitwell as sustainable village is flawed. The primary school is not large enough to accommodate the possible increase in population, no secondary school (places at local secondary schools is at a premium), one shop, public transport is already inadequate therefore totally inadequate for a great influx of residents.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: Whitwell High Street, which is narrow, is within a conservation area with the majority of residents having alternative but to park their vehicles on the street reducing the majority of the road to single land. This causes problems with traffic with many hold-ups at all times of the day due to the volume of through traffic added to village resident traffic. In addition, Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes which in places is reduced to single lane with occasional passing places.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The NHDC approach is not sound as there is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of the very high flood risk; the proposed number of houses will only exacerbate this very real threat by concreting over more land. The area last flooded about two years ago with several home badly affected. This risk is known and identified as high risk in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel adding to the traffic problem through and out of the village.
On 25 August 2016, the NHDC Planning Committee determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have an unacceptable impact on the site and he application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are not sustainable.

Objection to the allocation of SP2 for housing: The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt, this was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site to no longer being categorised as Green Belt. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes to see SP2 to remain Green Belt.

NPPR Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150): NHDC is well aware of local feeling toward the potential development on this site but appears to be ignoring the objections particularly concerns of the environmental impact together with the high risk of flooding of the site.
Thames Water has stated lack of sewerage capacity.
The Planners have ignored their own Planning Committee who recently REJECTED this site for development.

For the reasons above, I urge that SP2 be removed from the 2011/2031 Local Plan.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 2965

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Jennifer Da Silva

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
site has been added at a late stage in the Local Plan process;
number of houses is too large; and
detrimental affect on the countryside.

Full text:

I am writing to lodge my objections to the proposed inclusion of SP2 as a possible site for housing in the village of Whitwell.

Chapter 4, Policy SP8: The site SP2 has been added at a very late stage and the number of houses proposed is too great for the site and village to the detriment of the open countryside, therefore it should be removed from the local plan.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: The evidence used to identify Whitwell as sustainable village is flawed. The primary school is not large enough to accommodate the possible increase in population, no secondary school (places at local secondary schools is at a premium), one shop, public transport is already inadequate therefore totally inadequate for a great influx of residents.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: Whitwell High Street, which is narrow, is within a conservation area with the majority of residents having alternative but to park their vehicles on the street reducing the majority of the road to single land. This causes problems with traffic with many hold-ups at all times of the day due to the volume of through traffic added to village resident traffic. In addition, Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes which in places is reduced to single lane with occasional passing places.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The NHDC approach is not sound as there is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of the very high flood risk; the proposed number of houses will only exacerbate this very real threat by concreting over more land. The area last flooded about two years ago with several home badly affected. This risk is known and identified as high risk in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel adding to the traffic problem through and out of the village.
On 25 August 2016, the NHDC Planning Committee determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have an unacceptable impact on the site and he application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are not sustainable.

Objection to the allocation of SP2 for housing: The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt, this was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site to no longer being categorised as Green Belt. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes to see SP2 to remain Green Belt.

NPPR Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150): NHDC is well aware of local feeling toward the potential development on this site but appears to be ignoring the objections particularly concerns of the environmental impact together with the high risk of flooding of the site.
Thames Water has stated lack of sewerage capacity.
The Planners have ignored their own Planning Committee who recently REJECTED this site for development.

For the reasons above, I urge that SP2 be removed from the 2011/2031 Local Plan.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP2: Settlement Hierarchy

Representation ID: 2966

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Jennifer Da Silva

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
evidence to identify Whitwell as a sustainable village is flawed;
school cannot accommodate possible increase in population; and
lack of infrastructure, particularly shops, public transport, traffic congestion, parking.

Full text:

I am writing to lodge my objections to the proposed inclusion of SP2 as a possible site for housing in the village of Whitwell.

Chapter 4, Policy SP8: The site SP2 has been added at a very late stage and the number of houses proposed is too great for the site and village to the detriment of the open countryside, therefore it should be removed from the local plan.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: The evidence used to identify Whitwell as sustainable village is flawed. The primary school is not large enough to accommodate the possible increase in population, no secondary school (places at local secondary schools is at a premium), one shop, public transport is already inadequate therefore totally inadequate for a great influx of residents.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: Whitwell High Street, which is narrow, is within a conservation area with the majority of residents having alternative but to park their vehicles on the street reducing the majority of the road to single land. This causes problems with traffic with many hold-ups at all times of the day due to the volume of through traffic added to village resident traffic. In addition, Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes which in places is reduced to single lane with occasional passing places.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The NHDC approach is not sound as there is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of the very high flood risk; the proposed number of houses will only exacerbate this very real threat by concreting over more land. The area last flooded about two years ago with several home badly affected. This risk is known and identified as high risk in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel adding to the traffic problem through and out of the village.
On 25 August 2016, the NHDC Planning Committee determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have an unacceptable impact on the site and he application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are not sustainable.

Objection to the allocation of SP2 for housing: The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt, this was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site to no longer being categorised as Green Belt. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes to see SP2 to remain Green Belt.

NPPR Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150): NHDC is well aware of local feeling toward the potential development on this site but appears to be ignoring the objections particularly concerns of the environmental impact together with the high risk of flooding of the site.
Thames Water has stated lack of sewerage capacity.
The Planners have ignored their own Planning Committee who recently REJECTED this site for development.

For the reasons above, I urge that SP2 be removed from the 2011/2031 Local Plan.

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