Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

WE1 Land off Hitchin Road

Representation ID: 2230

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Schofield

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to WE1:
- Strategic Quality
- No cogent infrastructure plan with population increase, not consistent with the NPPF
- Transport networks
- Healthcare facilities
- Education facilities
- Rail infrastructure
- Housing number calculation
- Green Belt, special circumstances
- Previous consultations not taken into account

Full text:

I am writing to express the objections to the Local Plan of my wife and myself on the following grounds:

Strategic Quality

Despite the previous pleas of all 3 local MPs, the leaders of 13 North Herts parish councils, Weston Parish Council and numerous other people, it appears that nothing has been done to take a strategic view of either housing need or housing provision. Once again, the 'plan' is based on the opportunistic availability of plots of land either already under the control of NHDC or where there are willing sellers.

Not only is this leading to hap hazard development, it is being proposed without any cogent infrastructure plan to accommodate the increased population and in total deference to strategic planning considerations set out in the NPPF (March 2012). Indeed, it is so far at odds with the goals and objectives of the NPPF that it is somewhat pointless to itemise them here.

The great shame of it is, for a county that has in the past demonstrated great foresight in its developments, this plan lacks vision at best, and at worst appears opportunistic and incompetent.


Although briefly mentioned above, the complete lack of any coherent plan to accommodate the proposed increase in both population and the consequential impact on the transportation network, school places, doctors clinics, hospital capacity etc. deserves separate mention.

It is simply unacceptable that the Council that is supposed to be representing the best interest of its existing population has spent so long producing a document with such obvious shortcomings.

Furthermore, although Hertfordshire can undoubtedly accommodate additional buildings, its road and rail infrastructure is under intense pressure already. A prerequisite for any significant development should therefore be a fully costed infrastructure plan. While NHDC would probably argue that this provision is catered for after the event by Section 106 money, the opportunistic and therefore fragmented nature of this plan means that it is unlikely that any meaningful infrastructure upgrades are likely to occur.

Housing numbers

I don't think that anyone disputes the fact that more houses are required in the UK, no explanation has been provided of the way the numbers have been calculated for North Herts, or why they have fluctuated so wildly over the years.

Unless and until NHDC provide a cogent explanation of the housing numbers to the population they purport to represent, I cannot see how anyone can accept that they reflect an accurate reflection of the 'housing need'.

Green Belt

The land that is currently designated as Green Belt was so designated for a reason. And the NPPF make clear the purpose of the Green Belt and the reasons why it should be protected. Nothing in this Plan provides an acceptable explanation of the special circumstances that would justify building on Green Belt land.

Furthermore, as our representatives, it is the responsibility of the members of NHDC to protect the Green Belt on our behalf. Yet instead, you are the ones proposing its destruction!

Finally, I would like to ask NHDC why they are doing this? In the case of the Local Plan it is unclear whose interests NHDC is representing. As far as I can see there are only two possible answers. The first is the local population, yet given the extent of opposition, the lack of infrastructure planning and the violation of Green Belt land, it is not clear that NHDC are not doing this for them.

The second possibility is that they are doing it because of central Government pressure. In the past Members of the Council have both denied that this is the case and agreed that it is. However, regardless of the problems Central Government could cause the region, it is still the role of NHDC to represent the best interests of the constituents, even if that means standing against the forces of Central Government. In this case in particular, I believe we actually have a very strong case as vast amounts of the land required for building are in the Green Be
Last time NHDC consulted on the Local Plan you received around 800 responses. However the current version does not appear to have taken any notice whatsoever of those submissions. Please, please, please NHDC, deliver on your constitutional and moral responsibility, protect the Green Belt and provide your constituents with the leadership they deserve.

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