Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
KB4 Land east of Knebworth
Representation ID: 1448
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Mr and Mrs Phil and Rosy Skone
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Object to KB4: Contravenes the standard national planning processes and cycles, the release of Green Belt land i contrary to Government policy, there should be a strategic policy covering all sites as a whole, serious impact on traffic congestion and parking, serious impact on health provision for the community.
The proposed development of the KB4 site has never been included in any previous version of the Local Plan. This contravenes the standard national planning processes and cycles and does not give adequate time for consideration.
The release of Green Belt land such as the KB4 site is contrary to Government policy. The KB4 site and all the other Green belt areas surrounding Knebworth make a significant contribution to protecting the space between towns in the district and maintaining the separate identity of Knebworth as a village. Releasing this Green Belt land would set a precedent that results in a large urban sprawl running from Stevenage in the North down the A1(M) to Welwyn and Hatfield in the South. Stevenage Borough council also concluded in their June 2015 Local Plan housing consultation that KB1 and KB4 make 'a significant contribution to Green Belt purposes'.
Although each of the proposed Knebworth sites involve less that 500 houses, the total is well in excess at 663 homes. Each site is reliant on the same infrastructure; e.g. road access to the B197 and use of the railway. Thus there should be a strategic policy covering all sites as a whole.
The main access from the proposed KB4 development to the B197 is likely to be Watton Road. Watton Road is already a busy, narrow road especially during rush hours when there can be significant traffic congestion due to its use as a connecting route between the A602 and the B197. The road has speed humps and road narrowing to attempt to address some of the issues.
Parking is already a major issue for Knebworth which will inevitably deteriorate significantly with any new development and have a knock on effect on traffic congestion. This will have serious implications in the event of any emergencies.
The existing doctor's surgery has also been a major issue. It has been deemed inadequate for patient demand and alternative premises have been sought for many years. The search for new premises has not taken into account the 31% increase in population from the proposed new developments.