Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
WY1 Land south of Little Wymondley
Representation ID: 187
Received: 04/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Natalie McConnon
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Object to WY1: traffic, disproportionate addition to village, impact on house prices, schools, public transport, highway safety, loss of green space
Living very close the proposed development and being a commuter out of the village I see the detrimental effect local traffic has on the village at peak times. The plans do not seem to take into account the access from the village onto the A602 and how this could be improved/ impacted by the additional 300 homes. This would massively increase traffic through the village and impact on access to and from the village - and potentially cause a real risk through dangerous junctions. The size of the village will be almost doubled by this development and will lose its appeal and potentially affect house prices detrimentally. Also local access to the school for villagers would be affected by doubling the demand to the school without proper planning.
Currently there is limited public transport and footpaths to the village and safe passage to nearby shops is via several dual carriageways. None of this seems to have been factored into the plans.
Much of the area also seems to take over green space within the edges of the village and this would be a real loss to the village and people living here.