Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP19: Sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 - East of Luton

Representation ID: 2565

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Christine Millard

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP19 (EL1, EL2 and EL3):
- Loss of Green belt, no 'special circumstances'
- Luton's unmet need
- Not consistent with NPPF
- Brownfield sites
- Village Character
- Scale of development
- Highway infrastructure, parking, safety and congestion
- Infrastructure requirements
- Proposals conflict with Luton Borough Councils Local Plan objectives
- Luton's Airport
- Increase in environmental pollution (noise, light, dust, groundwater)
- Increase in crime
- Lack of amenities

Full text:

Objection to Planning application from Crown Estates to Destroy Green Belt East of Luton

We wish to register our objections to this Planning Application for housing to built on Green Belt land East of Luton on the following grounds

1 Absence of special circumstances that warrant the erosion of the Green Belt. The national Planning Policy clearly states that unmet needs are unlikely to outweigh the harm to the green belt. This seems to be being ignored by NHDC. In this case the unmet need could be met in many other brown site locations that are within the Luton Boundary. This could also be assisted if the local council were to look at the boroughs own needs before assisting other boroughs with their housing. Thereby not relying on NHDC who clearly from their own local plan do not require this addition.

2 The removal of the Green Belt leaves this land unprotected and open to further planning applications from developers.

3 Inevitable change to the character of Cockernhoe village in effect urban sprawl, The proposal is completely out of proportion 2100 homes is 14% of the total allocation of houses in the NHDC Local Plan, a 1,025% increase on the 205 houses in the hamlets, placing these, and houses in Wigmore bordering the development in to the middle of an estate.

4 Increase in congestion, and potential on-street parking in the area. The proposed road network is ill conceived and would mean many years of congestion causing even more issues trying to get through traffic for working times. Pure observations tell that these roads are already more than overused.

5 Potential for increase in accidents, due to extra traffic and additional decades of building and infrastructure needs.

6 Proposals are in direct conflict with Luton Borough Councils Local Plan objectives from both an environmental and infrastructure point of view

7 The proposed development gives rise to further difficulties with regard to off site parking for airport traffic, already making use of all surrounding roads.

8 Increase in environmental pollution in the form of noise, light, dust, ground and groundwater issues as more land is concreted over.

9 Impact on the local population with the likely increase that the site and surrounding area will become a magnet for petty crime due to the density of housing and total lack of amenities, i.e. library closure community centre planned closure Doctors already over subscribed to name but a few.

Further detailed reasoning for our objections is included in correspondence submitted to the Council prior to this objection.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP5: Countryside and Green Belt

Representation ID: 2566

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Christine Millard

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP5:
- Loss of Green belt, no 'special circumstances'
- Luton's unmet need
- Not consistent with NPPF
- Brownfield sites
- Village Character
- Scale of development
- Highway infrastructure, parking, safety and congestion
- Infrastructure requirements
- Proposals conflict with Luton Borough Councils Local Plan objectives
- Luton's Airport
- Increase in environmental pollution (noise, light, dust, groundwater)

Full text:

Objection to Planning application from Crown Estates to Destroy Green Belt East of Luton

We wish to register our objections to this Planning Application for housing to built on Green Belt land East of Luton on the following grounds

1 Absence of special circumstances that warrant the erosion of the Green Belt. The national Planning Policy clearly states that unmet needs are unlikely to outweigh the harm to the green belt. This seems to be being ignored by NHDC. In this case the unmet need could be met in many other brown site locations that are within the Luton Boundary. This could also be assisted if the local council were to look at the boroughs own needs before assisting other boroughs with their housing. Thereby not relying on NHDC who clearly from their own local plan do not require this addition.

2 The removal of the Green Belt leaves this land unprotected and open to further planning applications from developers.

3 Inevitable change to the character of Cockernhoe village in effect urban sprawl, The proposal is completely out of proportion 2100 homes is 14% of the total allocation of houses in the NHDC Local Plan, a 1,025% increase on the 205 houses in the hamlets, placing these, and houses in Wigmore bordering the development in to the middle of an estate.

4 Increase in congestion, and potential on-street parking in the area. The proposed road network is ill conceived and would mean many years of congestion causing even more issues trying to get through traffic for working times. Pure observations tell that these roads are already more than overused.

5 Potential for increase in accidents, due to extra traffic and additional decades of building and infrastructure needs.

6 Proposals are in direct conflict with Luton Borough Councils Local Plan objectives from both an environmental and infrastructure point of view

7 The proposed development gives rise to further difficulties with regard to off site parking for airport traffic, already making use of all surrounding roads.

8 Increase in environmental pollution in the form of noise, light, dust, ground and groundwater issues as more land is concreted over.

9 Impact on the local population with the likely increase that the site and surrounding area will become a magnet for petty crime due to the density of housing and total lack of amenities, i.e. library closure community centre planned closure Doctors already over subscribed to name but a few.

Further detailed reasoning for our objections is included in correspondence submitted to the Council prior to this objection.

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