Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 1702

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Alan Walton

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Object to development in Knebworth: Inadequate planning: no strategic support; totally inadequate road infrastructure; catastrophic impact on railway station; overload of school provision and health provision; incursion into the Green Belt; massive coalescence creep towards Stevenage and loss of village identity and integrity.

Full text:

I have read the proposed plan in relation to Knebworth as a whole. There are four proposed development sites; two the east of the village and two to the west. Previous plans have not included KB4.
In general I consider the whole plan ill conceived and refer you to the letter in response to the plan from Mr Stephen McPartland, the MP for Stevenage. I concur with everything he says. For my own part, as a resident of Knebworth for 20 years I have the following specific comments:
1 Roads.
Knebworth is on the B197. It is a single carriageway road that is constantly busy in itself. During peak times it suffers massive traffic overload as motorists use it to avoid the A1(M). In addition, during peak times the traffic from the A602 into Stevenage that once used the Old Hertford Road is directed along the Watton Road into Knebworth as a route to the Roebuck roundabout in Stevenage. Watton Road is country lane, at some points single track, and at the village end is a residential road that is clogged up by cars using it to park for access to the Knebworth Station. At all times there is queuing to negotiate the residential section of Watton Road and at peak times it is an acute problem. With KB4 this road (the only viable eastern approach into the village) would basically be subject to an overwhelming problem for motorists and a nightmare for residents.
To the west, the road to the station has to negotiate a low bridge with what is virtually a single track (and already very busy) road with a very narrow and very busy pavement, which is only wide enough for one person. Mothers with children in buggies take big risks already when accessing that route.
The western access route from Codicote is the only other route to the station and into the village, It too is very narrow and passes through a residential area. Parked cars makes it a treacherous route.
Deard's End Lane at the northern end of the village provides a short cut to and from Stevenage/Codicote/Station. It is a very narrow,single track residential lane with no footpath at all. It is already overloaded and extremely dangerous for pedestrians.
The high street is a single carriageway road with constant parking either side. It is only just about possible for two standard cars to pass in opposite directions: as soon as there is a lorry (frequently) or a bus (every five minutes) long queues form and accidents occur.
In short, the road infrastructure is already inadequate, over used, and dangerous.
Railway Station
Knebworth is very popular and convenient for those commuting either to Stevenage and Hitchin (schools) and or London (working people). There is an acute shortage of parking at the station and in the village roads. The platforms are already very busy in peak times and never not busy. The trains are always standing room only from Hatfield onwards on the London-bound journeys at all times of day, and standing room only in peak times from Knebworth itself. It is consequently uncomfortable and potentially very dangerous. There have been major fatal accidents on the line at both Hatfield and Potters Bar. The station cannot manage an increase in passenger traffic as it stands. To make things worse, Thameslink/Great Northern are proposing as of 2017 to halve the number of trains to and from Knebworth. This is a potential disaster.
The proposed KB4 is potentially a planning disaster. Not only does it remove highly productive farmland, it reduces the already small gap between Knebworth and Stevenage. Moreover it removes Greenbelt in contravention to National and regional policy. I believe it is critical that Knebworth retains its integrity as a village and a creeping development removes even more of its independence. Access to that site is also catastrophic for the road infrastructure and could potentially reduce the economic balance of the farmland such that it is no longer viable. Farm traffic already struggles to access the farm and this will be exacerbated.
Knebworth Junior School could not cope with additional demand. Stevenage schools cannot provide the places that Knebworth children need. The proposed site for a suggested school is too close to the A1(M) for the health of children and the staff. There is also a flood risk in that area as I understand it.
The doctor's surgery is already unable to provide an adequate service because of unsatisfiable demand. The same is true of the dental practices. It will be no better with a potential move of site for the doctors' surgery. The existing site is almost certain to be developed for housing: which is not ideal for the reasons already stated.
I understand that a separate Strategic Policy should accompany and support a proposed site of more than 500 houses. That this has not been prepared is an error/omission at best and underhand at worst. If one were prepared, the key issues would need to be addressed and any sensible mind would conclude that development on most of the proposed sites are not sustainable. The site at KB1 and KB 2 are at least as restricted for access as KB4. The narrow lanes at every point of the village would simply be inadequate for the access required.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

KB4 Land east of Knebworth

Representation ID: 5884

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Alan Walton

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to KB4: no strategic support; totally inadequate road infrastructure; catastrophic impact on railway station; overload of school provision and health provision; incursion into the Green Belt; massive coalescence creep towards Stevenage and loss of village identity and integrity.

Full text:

I have read the proposed plan in relation to Knebworth as a whole. There are four proposed development sites; two the east of the village and two to the west. Previous plans have not included KB4.
In general I consider the whole plan ill conceived and refer you to the letter in response to the plan from Mr Stephen McPartland, the MP for Stevenage. I concur with everything he says. For my own part, as a resident of Knebworth for 20 years I have the following specific comments:
1 Roads.
Knebworth is on the B197. It is a single carriageway road that is constantly busy in itself. During peak times it suffers massive traffic overload as motorists use it to avoid the A1(M). In addition, during peak times the traffic from the A602 into Stevenage that once used the Old Hertford Road is directed along the Watton Road into Knebworth as a route to the Roebuck roundabout in Stevenage. Watton Road is country lane, at some points single track, and at the village end is a residential road that is clogged up by cars using it to park for access to the Knebworth Station. At all times there is queuing to negotiate the residential section of Watton Road and at peak times it is an acute problem. With KB4 this road (the only viable eastern approach into the village) would basically be subject to an overwhelming problem for motorists and a nightmare for residents.
To the west, the road to the station has to negotiate a low bridge with what is virtually a single track (and already very busy) road with a very narrow and very busy pavement, which is only wide enough for one person. Mothers with children in buggies take big risks already when accessing that route.
The western access route from Codicote is the only other route to the station and into the village, It too is very narrow and passes through a residential area. Parked cars makes it a treacherous route.
Deard's End Lane at the northern end of the village provides a short cut to and from Stevenage/Codicote/Station. It is a very narrow,single track residential lane with no footpath at all. It is already overloaded and extremely dangerous for pedestrians.
The high street is a single carriageway road with constant parking either side. It is only just about possible for two standard cars to pass in opposite directions: as soon as there is a lorry (frequently) or a bus (every five minutes) long queues form and accidents occur.
In short, the road infrastructure is already inadequate, over used, and dangerous.
Railway Station
Knebworth is very popular and convenient for those commuting either to Stevenage and Hitchin (schools) and or London (working people). There is an acute shortage of parking at the station and in the village roads. The platforms are already very busy in peak times and never not busy. The trains are always standing room only from Hatfield onwards on the London-bound journeys at all times of day, and standing room only in peak times from Knebworth itself. It is consequently uncomfortable and potentially very dangerous. There have been major fatal accidents on the line at both Hatfield and Potters Bar. The station cannot manage an increase in passenger traffic as it stands. To make things worse, Thameslink/Great Northern are proposing as of 2017 to halve the number of trains to and from Knebworth. This is a potential disaster.
The proposed KB4 is potentially a planning disaster. Not only does it remove highly productive farmland, it reduces the already small gap between Knebworth and Stevenage. Moreover it removes Greenbelt in contravention to National and regional policy. I believe it is critical that Knebworth retains its integrity as a village and a creeping development removes even more of its independence. Access to that site is also catastrophic for the road infrastructure and could potentially reduce the economic balance of the farmland such that it is no longer viable. Farm traffic already struggles to access the farm and this will be exacerbated.
Knebworth Junior School could not cope with additional demand. Stevenage schools cannot provide the places that Knebworth children need. The proposed site for a suggested school is too close to the A1(M) for the health of children and the staff. There is also a flood risk in that area as I understand it.
The doctor's surgery is already unable to provide an adequate service because of unsatisfiable demand. The same is true of the dental practices. It will be no better with a potential move of site for the doctors' surgery. The existing site is almost certain to be developed for housing: which is not ideal for the reasons already stated.
I understand that a separate Strategic Policy should accompany and support a proposed site of more than 500 houses. That this has not been prepared is an error/omission at best and underhand at worst. If one were prepared, the key issues would need to be addressed and any sensible mind would conclude that development on most of the proposed sites are not sustainable. The site at KB1 and KB 2 are at least as restricted for access as KB4. The narrow lanes at every point of the village would simply be inadequate for the access required.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

KB1 Land at Deards End

Representation ID: 5885

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Alan Walton

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to KB1: no strategic support; totally inadequate road infrastructure; catastrophic impact on railway station; overload of school provision and health provision; incursion into the Green Belt; loss of village identity and integrity.

Full text:

I have read the proposed plan in relation to Knebworth as a whole. There are four proposed development sites; two the east of the village and two to the west. Previous plans have not included KB4.
In general I consider the whole plan ill conceived and refer you to the letter in response to the plan from Mr Stephen McPartland, the MP for Stevenage. I concur with everything he says. For my own part, as a resident of Knebworth for 20 years I have the following specific comments:
1 Roads.
Knebworth is on the B197. It is a single carriageway road that is constantly busy in itself. During peak times it suffers massive traffic overload as motorists use it to avoid the A1(M). In addition, during peak times the traffic from the A602 into Stevenage that once used the Old Hertford Road is directed along the Watton Road into Knebworth as a route to the Roebuck roundabout in Stevenage. Watton Road is country lane, at some points single track, and at the village end is a residential road that is clogged up by cars using it to park for access to the Knebworth Station. At all times there is queuing to negotiate the residential section of Watton Road and at peak times it is an acute problem. With KB4 this road (the only viable eastern approach into the village) would basically be subject to an overwhelming problem for motorists and a nightmare for residents.
To the west, the road to the station has to negotiate a low bridge with what is virtually a single track (and already very busy) road with a very narrow and very busy pavement, which is only wide enough for one person. Mothers with children in buggies take big risks already when accessing that route.
The western access route from Codicote is the only other route to the station and into the village, It too is very narrow and passes through a residential area. Parked cars makes it a treacherous route.
Deard's End Lane at the northern end of the village provides a short cut to and from Stevenage/Codicote/Station. It is a very narrow,single track residential lane with no footpath at all. It is already overloaded and extremely dangerous for pedestrians.
The high street is a single carriageway road with constant parking either side. It is only just about possible for two standard cars to pass in opposite directions: as soon as there is a lorry (frequently) or a bus (every five minutes) long queues form and accidents occur.
In short, the road infrastructure is already inadequate, over used, and dangerous.
Railway Station
Knebworth is very popular and convenient for those commuting either to Stevenage and Hitchin (schools) and or London (working people). There is an acute shortage of parking at the station and in the village roads. The platforms are already very busy in peak times and never not busy. The trains are always standing room only from Hatfield onwards on the London-bound journeys at all times of day, and standing room only in peak times from Knebworth itself. It is consequently uncomfortable and potentially very dangerous. There have been major fatal accidents on the line at both Hatfield and Potters Bar. The station cannot manage an increase in passenger traffic as it stands. To make things worse, Thameslink/Great Northern are proposing as of 2017 to halve the number of trains to and from Knebworth. This is a potential disaster.
The proposed KB4 is potentially a planning disaster. Not only does it remove highly productive farmland, it reduces the already small gap between Knebworth and Stevenage. Moreover it removes Greenbelt in contravention to National and regional policy. I believe it is critical that Knebworth retains its integrity as a village and a creeping development removes even more of its independence. Access to that site is also catastrophic for the road infrastructure and could potentially reduce the economic balance of the farmland such that it is no longer viable. Farm traffic already struggles to access the farm and this will be exacerbated.
Knebworth Junior School could not cope with additional demand. Stevenage schools cannot provide the places that Knebworth children need. The proposed site for a suggested school is too close to the A1(M) for the health of children and the staff. There is also a flood risk in that area as I understand it.
The doctor's surgery is already unable to provide an adequate service because of unsatisfiable demand. The same is true of the dental practices. It will be no better with a potential move of site for the doctors' surgery. The existing site is almost certain to be developed for housing: which is not ideal for the reasons already stated.
I understand that a separate Strategic Policy should accompany and support a proposed site of more than 500 houses. That this has not been prepared is an error/omission at best and underhand at worst. If one were prepared, the key issues would need to be addressed and any sensible mind would conclude that development on most of the proposed sites are not sustainable. The site at KB1 and KB 2 are at least as restricted for access as KB4. The narrow lanes at every point of the village would simply be inadequate for the access required.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

KB2 Land off Gypsy Lane

Representation ID: 5886

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Alan Walton

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to KB2: no strategic support; totally inadequate road infrastructure; catastrophic impact on railway station; overload of school provision and health provision; incursion into the Green Belt; loss of village identity and integrity.

Full text:

I have read the proposed plan in relation to Knebworth as a whole. There are four proposed development sites; two the east of the village and two to the west. Previous plans have not included KB4.
In general I consider the whole plan ill conceived and refer you to the letter in response to the plan from Mr Stephen McPartland, the MP for Stevenage. I concur with everything he says. For my own part, as a resident of Knebworth for 20 years I have the following specific comments:
1 Roads.
Knebworth is on the B197. It is a single carriageway road that is constantly busy in itself. During peak times it suffers massive traffic overload as motorists use it to avoid the A1(M). In addition, during peak times the traffic from the A602 into Stevenage that once used the Old Hertford Road is directed along the Watton Road into Knebworth as a route to the Roebuck roundabout in Stevenage. Watton Road is country lane, at some points single track, and at the village end is a residential road that is clogged up by cars using it to park for access to the Knebworth Station. At all times there is queuing to negotiate the residential section of Watton Road and at peak times it is an acute problem. With KB4 this road (the only viable eastern approach into the village) would basically be subject to an overwhelming problem for motorists and a nightmare for residents.
To the west, the road to the station has to negotiate a low bridge with what is virtually a single track (and already very busy) road with a very narrow and very busy pavement, which is only wide enough for one person. Mothers with children in buggies take big risks already when accessing that route.
The western access route from Codicote is the only other route to the station and into the village, It too is very narrow and passes through a residential area. Parked cars makes it a treacherous route.
Deard's End Lane at the northern end of the village provides a short cut to and from Stevenage/Codicote/Station. It is a very narrow,single track residential lane with no footpath at all. It is already overloaded and extremely dangerous for pedestrians.
The high street is a single carriageway road with constant parking either side. It is only just about possible for two standard cars to pass in opposite directions: as soon as there is a lorry (frequently) or a bus (every five minutes) long queues form and accidents occur.
In short, the road infrastructure is already inadequate, over used, and dangerous.
Railway Station
Knebworth is very popular and convenient for those commuting either to Stevenage and Hitchin (schools) and or London (working people). There is an acute shortage of parking at the station and in the village roads. The platforms are already very busy in peak times and never not busy. The trains are always standing room only from Hatfield onwards on the London-bound journeys at all times of day, and standing room only in peak times from Knebworth itself. It is consequently uncomfortable and potentially very dangerous. There have been major fatal accidents on the line at both Hatfield and Potters Bar. The station cannot manage an increase in passenger traffic as it stands. To make things worse, Thameslink/Great Northern are proposing as of 2017 to halve the number of trains to and from Knebworth. This is a potential disaster.
The proposed KB4 is potentially a planning disaster. Not only does it remove highly productive farmland, it reduces the already small gap between Knebworth and Stevenage. Moreover it removes Greenbelt in contravention to National and regional policy. I believe it is critical that Knebworth retains its integrity as a village and a creeping development removes even more of its independence. Access to that site is also catastrophic for the road infrastructure and could potentially reduce the economic balance of the farmland such that it is no longer viable. Farm traffic already struggles to access the farm and this will be exacerbated.
Knebworth Junior School could not cope with additional demand. Stevenage schools cannot provide the places that Knebworth children need. The proposed site for a suggested school is too close to the A1(M) for the health of children and the staff. There is also a flood risk in that area as I understand it.
The doctor's surgery is already unable to provide an adequate service because of unsatisfiable demand. The same is true of the dental practices. It will be no better with a potential move of site for the doctors' surgery. The existing site is almost certain to be developed for housing: which is not ideal for the reasons already stated.
I understand that a separate Strategic Policy should accompany and support a proposed site of more than 500 houses. That this has not been prepared is an error/omission at best and underhand at worst. If one were prepared, the key issues would need to be addressed and any sensible mind would conclude that development on most of the proposed sites are not sustainable. The site at KB1 and KB 2 are at least as restricted for access as KB4. The narrow lanes at every point of the village would simply be inadequate for the access required.

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