Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

SP2 Land beween Horn Hill and Bendish Lane, Whitwell

Representation ID: 853

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Chris Howe

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Object to SP2:
- Remove SP2 from the proposed plan
- Impact on landscape, sewage issues & flood risk grounds
- Consultation was inadequate
- Not sustainable, and it was formerly proposed as Green Belt
- Scale of development

Full text:

North Herts Local Plan consultation
I write regarding the consultation on the above. I object to the proposed plan due to its inclusion of Whitwell for significant housing development, as well as various other reasons. Some of my reasons for considering the plan to be unsound are as follows.
* Government housing targets are flawed, and the numbers keep changing. Green Belt constraints seem to have been ignored.

* There does not seem to have been much time for public consultation, with the draft plan appearing to have been issued in a rush, after the council were way behind schedule in preparing such. I cannot see that any input from the local community in St Pauls' Walden (parish) and Whitwell has been taken account of.

* Whilst the surrounds of villages like Whitwell were not originally in the Green Belt (as it was originally put in place as a limit on the expansion of large towns into the countryside), it is now important that such villages are protected by Green Belt, without further expansion. Additional housing should only be allowed within the current village space, for which there is sufficient scope. The village attracts visitors from surrounding towns because of how it is now, and this will be spoiled by large developments.

* Proposing significant expansion of villages with poor communication connections, and few but adequate facilities, is hardly "sustainable", as it will just increase commuting through the narrow lanes to nearby towns and hence is not consistent with the NPPF. Additionally large expansion of Luton and further proposed expansions there, already put great pressure on the roads as people from those sites use the lanes as "cut-throughs". (Chapter 4 policy SP2).

* Specifically, in Whitwell, the draft plan fails since it proposes an unsuitable site (SP2) for development. This is unsuitable due to its landscape features, its flood risk, sewage issues, proximity of traffic to a school and so on. Also this site seems to have been added at the last minute and in opposition to a planning committee decision turning down a proposed development. (Chapter 4 policy SP8; Chapter 13 site SP2).
I trust that you will take my views into account in any decision made on the validity of the plan.

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