Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 641

Received: 16/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Wenda N Satchell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to development in Codicote: environment, character community access, infrastructure, wildlife, employment transport, schooling, power, water and drainage.

Full text:

I wish to register the fact that I am totally against the 315 new house building proposal.
The extra influx of residents and cars would be detrimental to the village in terms of environment character community access to healthcare INFRASTUCTURE wildlife employment parking road safety schooling power water drainage.

At the commuting periods in the day the traffic is almost at gridlock when passing through the High Street. As and when there are roadworks or building projects requiring coned off sections of the road, tailbacks develop and often traffic backs up if going north into Old Welwyn. Old Welwyn village is a bottleneck area in the mornings, extra building in this area will just exacerbate the already dire traffic situation.
When an incident occurs on the A1 motorway I have had to on occasions detour via Wheathampstead in order to reach home in Codicote High Street.
If an Ambulance has to get through on the B 197 in either direction it will NOT BE ABLE TO in an emergency.
Further development of housing is shear lunacy. Infrastructure is totally inadequate


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane

Representation ID: 1137

Received: 16/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Wenda N Satchell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to CD1: environment, character, community access to healthcare, infrastructure, wildlife, employment, traffic, schooling, power, water and drainage.

Full text:

I wish to register the fact that I am totally against the 315 new house building proposal.
The extra influx of residents and cars would be detrimental to the village in terms of environment character community access to healthcare INFRASTUCTURE wildlife employment parking road safety schooling power water drainage.

At the commuting periods in the day the traffic is almost at gridlock when passing through the High Street. As and when there are roadworks or building projects requiring coned off sections of the road, tailbacks develop and often traffic backs up if going north into Old Welwyn. Old Welwyn village is a bottleneck area in the mornings, extra building in this area will just exacerbate the already dire traffic situation.
When an incident occurs on the A1 motorway I have had to on occasions detour via Wheathampstead in order to reach home in Codicote High Street.
If an Ambulance has to get through on the B 197 in either direction it will NOT BE ABLE TO in an emergency.
Further development of housing is shear lunacy. Infrastructure is totally inadequate


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street

Representation ID: 1138

Received: 16/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Wenda N Satchell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to CD2: environment, character, community access to healthcare, infrastructure, wildlife, employment, traffic, schooling, power, water and drainage.

Full text:

I wish to register the fact that I am totally against the 315 new house building proposal.
The extra influx of residents and cars would be detrimental to the village in terms of environment character community access to healthcare INFRASTUCTURE wildlife employment parking road safety schooling power water drainage.

At the commuting periods in the day the traffic is almost at gridlock when passing through the High Street. As and when there are roadworks or building projects requiring coned off sections of the road, tailbacks develop and often traffic backs up if going north into Old Welwyn. Old Welwyn village is a bottleneck area in the mornings, extra building in this area will just exacerbate the already dire traffic situation.
When an incident occurs on the A1 motorway I have had to on occasions detour via Wheathampstead in order to reach home in Codicote High Street.
If an Ambulance has to get through on the B 197 in either direction it will NOT BE ABLE TO in an emergency.
Further development of housing is shear lunacy. Infrastructure is totally inadequate


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD3 Land north of The Close

Representation ID: 1140

Received: 16/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Wenda N Satchell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to CD3: environment, character, community access to healthcare, infrastructure, wildlife, employment, traffic, schooling, power, water and drainage.

Full text:

I wish to register the fact that I am totally against the 315 new house building proposal.
The extra influx of residents and cars would be detrimental to the village in terms of environment character community access to healthcare INFRASTUCTURE wildlife employment parking road safety schooling power water drainage.

At the commuting periods in the day the traffic is almost at gridlock when passing through the High Street. As and when there are roadworks or building projects requiring coned off sections of the road, tailbacks develop and often traffic backs up if going north into Old Welwyn. Old Welwyn village is a bottleneck area in the mornings, extra building in this area will just exacerbate the already dire traffic situation.
When an incident occurs on the A1 motorway I have had to on occasions detour via Wheathampstead in order to reach home in Codicote High Street.
If an Ambulance has to get through on the B 197 in either direction it will NOT BE ABLE TO in an emergency.
Further development of housing is shear lunacy. Infrastructure is totally inadequate


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD5 Land south of Heath Lane

Representation ID: 1141

Received: 16/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Wenda N Satchell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to CD5: environment, character, community access to healthcare, infrastructure, wildlife, employment, traffic, schooling, power, water and drainage.

Full text:

I wish to register the fact that I am totally against the 315 new house building proposal.
The extra influx of residents and cars would be detrimental to the village in terms of environment character community access to healthcare INFRASTUCTURE wildlife employment parking road safety schooling power water drainage.

At the commuting periods in the day the traffic is almost at gridlock when passing through the High Street. As and when there are roadworks or building projects requiring coned off sections of the road, tailbacks develop and often traffic backs up if going north into Old Welwyn. Old Welwyn village is a bottleneck area in the mornings, extra building in this area will just exacerbate the already dire traffic situation.
When an incident occurs on the A1 motorway I have had to on occasions detour via Wheathampstead in order to reach home in Codicote High Street.
If an Ambulance has to get through on the B 197 in either direction it will NOT BE ABLE TO in an emergency.
Further development of housing is shear lunacy. Infrastructure is totally inadequate

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