Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Representation ID: 131
Received: 31/10/2016
Respondent: Mrs Nancy Copeland
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
General objection: scale of previous development, availability of infrastructure, loss of agricultural land, visual impact of solar farm, overpopulation.
There has been too many houses already built in the town, there are not the facilities to cover such growth. There is not enough energy available for the houses, so ugly solar farms are erected such as the one alongside Royston by pass taking land which would be better used for agriculture. The Town Hall should be left as it is one of the few building which is Royston. The trees on this site were carefully selected and add a great deal to the site and should, therefore, left exactly where they are. The car park should be left as it is, we need more parking not less especially with all the extra houses already built. You already get cars parking every available space all across Royston. When will the real problem be looked and that is there are too many people in the country.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
RY12 Town Hall Site, Melbourn Street
Representation ID: 132
Received: 31/10/2016
Respondent: Mrs Nancy Copeland
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to Site RY12: Loss of building of local character, loss of car parking, existing trees to be retained.
There has been too many houses already built in the town, there are not the facilities to cover such growth. There is not enough energy available for the houses, so ugly solar farms are erected such as the one alongside Royston by pass taking land which would be better used for agriculture. The Town Hall should be left as it is one of the few building which is Royston. The trees on this site were carefully selected and add a great deal to the site and should, therefore, left exactly where they are. The car park should be left as it is, we need more parking not less especially with all the extra houses already built. You already get cars parking every available space all across Royston. When will the real problem be looked and that is there are too many people in the country.